Tale of a TreeHeart

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As soon as the spring breeze rises
After the drizzle-dance
Saturated with the morning dew.

One by one, the boy bends the birches' twigs
And skates through the trail of leaves

Towards the inner dome of the forests
Of towering treetops climbing the beauty-blossoms

Flags of solitude swinging along with the winds
With a swish, with utmost poise---
Leaping through the bridge of solitary winds 

The lullaby of the canary 
Filling the cups of the trunks to the brim
A silent melody kept by the roots

The treble of the harmony of the sky 
Hushed by the dampness of the pathless greens
Planted by the buds and seeds of days
A tale of a tree-heart hidden in the trunks

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