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In the beginning I have to thank you for even taking the time to explore my work. It is so special to me when someone reads and likes my work. As a writer it gives me the courage and drive to continue on. So once again, thank you.

I have removed the bulk of the chapters for publication. The book will be available in its entirety on Amazon in the near future.


"At that point his lips were right at the corner of hers, teasing her mercilessly. She felt him take a deep breath before planting his lips on hers softly at first. His tongue glided across her lips slowly and sensually. She parted her lips allowing him access feeling his tongue work its magic on hers. He pulled her even closer pressing his hard body into hers while caressing her back gently."

Camille has problems. Throughout her life these problems have cost her a romance she so desperately wants. It's not just her problems that have kept people at bay, but also her brother and band mates. They protect her at all costs even if it's protection she doesn't want.

Will she ever be able to break free from this hold they have on her? Will she ever be able to find a man strong enough to deal with her and her problems? Will he turn out to be the man of her dreams?

Tucker just rolled his eyes at the comment. There is no way in hell he is taking some strange woman home with him tonight or any other night. His home is his sanctuary and the last thing he wants is some woman learning where he lives thinking she can show up any time she wants. That is something he's never stood for and he's not going to start now."

Tucker is a man who requires comfort more than anything else. He's been on a year long hiatus from women and he likes that just fine. In some ways he does want to eventually find the right woman, but right now it is not a top priority for him.

When he meets her will his thoughts on relationships and love change?

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