Hit Me With Your Best Shot

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*Thanks so  much for sticking with me. It should pick up a little as you continue to read the story. I have added the song Hit Me With You Best Shot by Pat Benatar. I have also added a picture of Marlon. Somebody help me, these men keep getting better and better.*

“Tucker, what are you doing man? You’ve hammered through the whole piece of wood.” Barry yelled.

It took Tucker a few seconds to process what was being said to him. He looked at the hole he had made in the wood where the nail was supposed to be, and realized he had pounded the nail completely through the board and it was hanging out of the opposite side. After setting the hammer on the ground he took the piece of wood he had been working on turning it over to assess the damage and see if it was salvageable. The last thing he needed was to use more material than necessary to get this job done, because he knew it would be coming out of his paycheck.

For the life of him he can’t understand how he did that when he was looking directly at what he was doing. His eyes never left the target, but he realized his mind was off somewhere else. He’s been that way for the past week, ever since he saw her, Camille. She has been on his mind day and night and he had absolutely no way to control it. He can’t say he was angry at the thoughts he was having but they were interfering with his work and that he could not have. Unfortunately he doesn’t know how to fix the situation.

He shut his eyes tightly and his mind travels back to last Thursday night. The sheer beauty of this woman caused his body to react in ways it never has before. It only escalated the closer he got to her. He couldn’t do anything but stand there and stare, unmoving for several minutes. Although he wanted to smile or wave so she would see his interest in her it never happened. His body was working in a different way than his mind was telling it to. He literally couldn’t move until she finished her first set leaving the stage, and finally his feet that had taken root on the floor beneath him began to come alive allowing him to move.

Marlon was pissed at him that night for leaving him standing there with those two women, and he still is. He tried to explain the situation but Marlon wasn’t trying to hear it. Apparently Tucker made him lose his chance with the one named Bethany. Marlon said they were a packaged deal and because he blew Tricia off they got mad and walked away.  He didn’t do it purposely. He had no control of what was happening to him. His mind was on nothing but Camille and he couldn’t change that no matter how many people stood in his face. Besides, Marlon left the club with a leggy brunette on his arm so he couldn’t have been that upset.

He can’t get the way she looked at him out of his mind. She looked at him like she had seen a ghost. There was surprise and something else on her face that he can’t quite place. The look continued as long as he stood there. She just kept stealing glances, almost like she was making sure he was still there. He could tell it rattled her a bit because she fumbled over her words a little every time she looked at him. Most people didn’t notice because it was only a slight change, but he did because his attention was completely focused on her.

It almost sent him over the edge, about to bust out of his jeans, when he watched her skipping and dancing around the stage, swinging those round full hips from side to side hypnotizing him. Even when she sang a slower paced song and stood stationary at the microphone stand, she still moved her body accentuating every single curve she has. It was incredibly sexy and should be dubbed a crime for inciting immediate erection. He can just imagine running his hands all over her body, hearing her sweet voice whisper in his ear, ‘Tucker, I want you.’ He can feel the slight curl of his lips as he thinks about it.

He wanted desperately to talk to her, but the way to the back of the stage was blocked off and she never came out into the club area. It pained him quite a bit that he couldn’t get closer to her and stare in those beautiful brown eyes, breathing in deeply taking in that sweet aroma that he knows she has. He can’t help licking his lips when he thinks about tasting her sweetness, running his tongue over her flesh driving her utterly insane.

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