Nurse Betty

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                   “How are you feeling today, Camille.”

            “I’m fine. I wish people would stop asking me that every five damn minutes.” Camille answered rolling her eyes.

              “I’m sorry about that but it is our job to make sure you are alright.” The nurse said.

            “Yea, yea I know. This isn’t my first rodeo you know.”

            “I am aware of that. Don’t worry you only have to put up with it one more day and then you’ll be at home. I will leave you to it.”

Camille watched the nurse exit the room and returned her attention back to the bright light shining through the barred windows, holding her knees up close to her chest. The thought of being out in the sun after a week in the hospital is wonderful. She can just imagine being able to go where she wants and do what she wants without the accompaniment of hospital staff. At age thirty-one she’s a little too old for a babysitter, but she knows she has to endure it for the time being.

This is the sixth time in fifteen years that Camille has been in the hospital. The majority of the time she went in voluntarily, but there was twice when the doctor ordered her stay. And those were the worst because it meant she had to stay longer and be on constant watch, which she absolutely hated. It was bad enough being confined, unable to go as she pleased, but it was ten times worse having people up in her face 24/7 making sure she was doing what she was supposed to do. Normally they just check on her once every hour to make sure she’s alright, which is something she doesn’t like but it is at least tolerable.

She has to admit that her hospital stays have done wonders for her career. As a singer and lyricist, having time with just her thoughts and relatively no distractions helped her to write some of the best songs of her career. A few of them she recorded herself, but others she presented to various producers in the music industry who then passed them on to artists to record. That’s really how she made the bulk of her money, because it really wasn’t in performing when she only did four shows a month.

At one time she lived in New York and had a record contract with Atlantic Records but that was short lived. The stress of the industry and constant demand got to her causing her to leave New York and return home to Boston. Now she just does shows when she wants to without having to worry about everyone wanting a piece of her. It’s a much easier situation for her to be in.

She grew up in Boston, well actually Dorchester, Massachusetts, with her mother Rose and older brother Cameron. Rose raised them as a single parent because their father left them when Camille was two and hasn’t been back, moving on to greener pastures she assumes. Her mother works as a paralegal in one of the law firms in downtown Boston, and her brother works as a professor at Berklee College of Music in Boston, teaching music education and performance.

Cameron is not only Camille’s brother but he is also her best friend, and has been since middle school. She is two years younger and he has always looked out for her, making sure she was always safe and happy.  It was a hassle trying to date though because the guy had to pass the “Cameron’s Requirements for Dating My Sister” test, which most guys failed at miserably. Needless to say she has only really had two boyfriends in her life, one in high school and one when she was in New York but neither of them turned out to be that serious; just hanging out mostly. The other reason is because of her condition, most men don’t want to deal with that sort of thing so they don’t end up staying around too long.

The only men who have been in her life longer than a few months are her band mates. She’s known most of them since high school and they are all like brothers to her; the closest being the drummer Nick who she’s known the longest. At one time they talked about dating but realized it wasn’t a good idea, so they just remained good friends.

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