friend request 02

1K 42 7

[earmuffs, roundwoo, and babypeach is now online]

earmuffs: hey guys

roundwoo: hi

babypeach: what now

earmuffs: i was wondering where is soon

babypeach: ah, yes

roundwoo: good times

earmuffs: wht

babypeach: i kicked him out

roundwoo: i thanked him

earmuffs: understandable

earmuffs: should i add him back

roundwoo: nah

roundwoo: it's only been 4 days

babypeach: wait till 361 more days

babypeach: i'll be happy if you'd do that

earmuffs: jihoon that's 1 year

earmuffs: i'm adding him in

[earmuffs has added hoshieteyo]

babypeach: don't you dare to make any anime or weird meme-y shits refrences

roundwoo: you're no fun jun

hoshieteyo: you're a mistake

earmuffs: wow

roundwoo: y

babypeach: imcryinsjdgeiskal

hoshieteyo: you too hoon

babypeach: .

earmuffs: wow

roundwoo: are you still mad at us

hoshieteyo: no

[babypeach has changed hoshiete nickname to saltshaker]

saltshaker: aren't you the salty one here

babypeach: hold on

earmuffs: oh boy

roundwoo: indeed

[babypeach has changed their name to busanguy]

busanguy: you better go offline now soon

saltshaker: what if i say no

busanguy: i'll make you say yes

[busanguy is now offline]

saltshaker: and now

saltshaker: i must hide

[saltshaker is now offline]

[caramelfudge and mingay is now online]

caramelfudge: wtf mingyu

caramelfudge: i thought you said no one was on

mingay: so did i

earmuffs: hey guys

caramelfudge: hi ge

caramelfudge: bye ge

[caramelfudge is now offline]

mingay: wait for me!!!

[mingay is now offline]

earmuffs: why did i hear screams outside

roundwoo: it's either those two or those two

earmuffs: it's weird how i know who're you talking about

roundwoo: it's weird that i can put up to your shits

earmuffs: you're worse than me

roundwoo: prove it


roundwoo: thought so

roundwoo: wanna read a book on my bunk

earmuffs: i'm literally on my bunk rn

roundwoo: is that a yes or a no

earmuffs: sure

earmuffs: just don't flip the page too fast

earmuffs: i still have problems reading hanguls

roundwoo: alr

roundwoo: see you there

earmuffs: later wonwon

[earmuffs is now offline]

roundwoo: just what i needed

[roundwoo is now offline]

[caramelfudge and mingay is now online]

caramelfudge: time to put the plan to action

mingay: oh boy

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