A Darker Day

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[A/N: Aight right qui here, I made some changes to the structure of this story since I had more to write than I thought I did, and this chapter was already kinda long! As far as where it's located, the image at the top might indicate what I had in mind when writing this- i.e. my inspiration for the dangerous nature of where they're sailing, but where I actually set it is definitely meant to be even more hazardous. So, just imagine an even scarier Serpent's Pass, so freaky that no monsters even approach it (well, almost no monsters lol. (^_-))

That being said, since I changed the title, I tried to find a befitting name. So, like usual, my desire to hide lyrics to music I like came up. I went with a portion of the song at the top. It's called "Oh Lord," and is by Foxxy Shazam. It's actually gotten me through some tough shit of my own. Hence, I think it fits, especially the one line! You can find it within the song. Just give it a click.

Thanks again! I hope you guys enjoy this!
~ Britt]

I yawned, stretching, wondering what time it was. I hadn't lost track of time and slept for 24 hours or more like I did when I first fled this place out of what was presently retrospective fear. It seemed strange I'd do so now.

"Iroh?" I heard the lethargy in my voice. Damn. Maybe I was actually exhausted from the fight I'd dodged. Well, to be fair, I did save two people before that. I supposed my aversion cancelled itself out as far as fate-based heroism goes. I heard nothing. "Hey!" It was pitch black, like midnight, and I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was a little after noon.

That was odd. I checked my own watch to confirm it, and both times were correct. What was going on? I stood up, calling out once more for my boyfriend. "Yo! Hot Head, Sailor, Your Majesty, WHERE ARE YOU?" Still. Nothing. I walked to the window, throwing open the drapes. It was slightly lighter without their shadows, but it definitely didn't look like daytime, the height of the sunlight. I scanned the vast expanse of open sea, nothing seemed out of the ordinary save the strange weather, but then I saw it- or them.

Looming on the horizon, to the starboard side of the vessel, were cliffs: jagged, clustered rocks that marked the entrance to one of the most dangerous waterways to navigate on the route back to Republic City. I grabbed my jacket and raced out to meet up with the others.

I arrived at the map room faster than ever, sliding through the door left ajar by Kayo and the other officers. I panted, more out of anxiety than being winded, though my capacity to vigorously exercise upon awakening was less than average. I'd faint up stairs and knock myself back out cold just because I was somewhat sleep deprived.

"We made record time." I leaned against the wall, and Korra turned to face me, her smile absent though I saw a few others observe my own little personal best therein.

"Did you come from your room?" Rian asked.

"Mind your business, fool." Kayo broke in, winking at me. Thanks bro. Really. I could almost hear the sarcasm in my thoughts, so I tried streamlining them to being more kind in case I blurted something out. I appreciate it but damn, that definitely wouldn't be conducive to preserving the clandestine nature of what I was doing. Or wasn't doing. Either way.

Iroh cleared his throat, and spoke to the crew. "It's fortunate we did. Visibility is poor for the time being, so we'll have to cast off and wait it out."

Everyone's already grim expressions turned darker. "You mean we'll just be stationary?" I stood, finding my breath easily. Hopefully no one thought I was acting anymore. This would be melodramatic in my book for sure- and badly executed at that. Too bad. It wasn't a show. "That could really be dangerous! If anything comes our way, especially in the dark, we'd be sitting-turtle ducks. An easy target."

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