Chapter 6

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Three days had passed. The girls had been told what had happened, and were all there, ready to comfort and support their mother, but Lucy remained alone. Gru had set up a workout room for her in his lab. She had hardly left that room.

Gru walked down into the lab. He heard the sound of his wife hitting the punching bag that he had hung for her. He walked over to her, and saw that she was punching as hard and fast as she could.

"Lucy," he said.

No response.

"Lucy," he repeated.

Still, no response.

"Listen," he said. "I know that you're upset. You have every right to be. But, you can't just hole up in here. It's not healthy."

"I have to be stronger." She murmured, hitting the bag harder.

"What?" He asked.

"I couldn't beat it. I wasn't strong enough. I have to be stronger." she said, louder this time.

"Lucy, that wasn't your fault." He assured.

"YES, IT WAS!" She screamed, hitting the bag, one last time. It broke off of the ceiling, and fell onto the ground.

"I couldn't beat it." She said, softly.

"That was not your fault." He said. "Those people in charge don't know what they're missing."

"I feel like I've failed them." She murmured.

"What? Devin and Carla? They're not worth-"

"No. My parents." She said.

"Lucy, darling," he said. "They would be so, so proud of you."

"I was fired!" She exclaimed.

"So what? You're the strongest, most talented person I know. You were the best agent there, and everyone knew it. You're a wonderful mother to three girls who adore you. And, the love of my life." He assured.

She nodded.

"I know that you're upset. But, we need you right now. The girls need you." He said. "The girls right now, more than ever, because I'm leaving in the morning."

"What?" She asked, shocked.

"I've got a new case. It could take several days. I need you to be here to take care of the girls." He said.

"A case?" She said. "You know you can't go on a big one like that without a partner."

He just looked back at her.

"Wait. You mean, you have one?" She replied, somewhat harsher than she would normally.

"Carla Martinez." He said.

"That slut?" She snarled. "So, you've moved on, I see?"

"Lucy!" He exclaimed. "This isn't my choice! I have no say in this!"

She ignored him and stormed off to their bedroom. He didn't join her.

Lucy laid in bed for hours. Gru still hadn't come up. She looked at the clock. 3:24. She felt awful. She had said terrible things to her husband who was trying to help her. She had to make things right.

She crept downstairs, and saw a pillow and blanket on the couch. He must've been sleeping there tonight. But, where did he go? She turned around and saw him standing there, looking at her. He was dressed and ready to go.

"Hi." He said, awkwardly.

"Oh, Gru," she cried out. "I'm so so so sorry! I said terrible things to you! You were nothing but kind to me, and I threw that in your face. I said things that I should never ever say, especially not to you. I was a selfish, horrible hag! May you please forgive me?"

He pulled her to him, holding her tight.

"Of course I will." He whispered into her hair.

"You go on your mission." She said to him. "And you make that villain pay, for the both of us."

"Are you going to be alright here?" He asked, concern in his eyes.

"It'll be tough, but I'll be fine. I'll have the girls and they'll have me." She assured him. "But, you need to take care of yourself. I don't trust that woman to protect you. You need to protect yourself."

"I will." He whispered, holding her to him.

Gru's watch beeped. He looked at it.

"I need to go." He said.

She sighed.

"Just, stay safe." She said, kissing his cheek. "Come back to me."

He pulled her close and kissed her, long and hard. They pulled apart and Gru grabbed his stuff. She walked him to the door, waving goodbye to him as he left.

She closed the door, and heard a voice behind her.


She turned and saw her youngest daughter behind her.

"Yes, darling?" She asked, scooping Agnes into her arms.

"Are you ok, mommy?" She asked, in her sweet voice.

"I'm fine, now," she replied. "Thanks to your dad."

"Good." Agnes said, snuggling into her mother's arms.

Lucy walked back to the couch, pulling the blanket that Gru had been using around herself, and her daughter.

"I missed you, mommy." Agnes whispered, just before she fell asleep in her mother's arms.

Lucy swore right then and there, that she would be there for her family. That was her new mission. To protect her daughters and husband.

Hey, guys!  So, I know that this story is a little unusual.  But, it's an idea that I have, so I'm trying it anyways.  I could really use some feedback, though.  If any of you guys have thoughts so far, please share them with me.

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