Chapter 11

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"NO!!!!!" Gru screamed.

"Well, now we've got her out of our hair." Carla smirked.

"I'll kill you!!" Gru screamed at her. He tried to move towards her, but Devin still had his arms around him, and was holding him back.

"I think we're done with you for now." Devin said. He kept his grip tight on Gru, and dragged him back to a room further into their lair. He shoved Gru into the room, and locked the door.

Gru just sat and cried. It had been a very long time since he'd cried last. He just wasn't the kind of person that did that a lot, but he cried now. She was gone. She was gone, and she wasn't coming back to him. He felt nothing but grief. She must've come to try and protect him. It was his fault that she was dead.

Lucy felt herself hit the water. It hurt. They had fallen quite a distance, but they were alive. Alive, wet, and very, very cold. This water was freezing! Lucy looked around and spotted Emily close by. She swam over to her.

"What now?" Emily asked.

"We have to swim the rest of the way." Lucy called back to her. "I don't think it's far."

It truly was only a short distance, but it still felt very long. By the time the two of them had reached the island, they were both exhausted. They both flopped onto the beach, and lay there as though lifeless for a few minutes.

"We need to keep going." Lucy said, eventually.

Emily sighed, but nodded. They both pulled themselves up, and assessed what they had left over. They pretty much only had whatever had been on them at the moment that they jumped. They didn't have time to grab anything. They still had what they had been wearing, but that was it. Lucy had even lost her hair elastic when she was swimming. Her hair now hung wet on her shoulders.

"Oh my gosh, the girls!" Lucy cried. "We can't radio them! We have no way to contact them at all!"

Emily patted her shoulder. Clearly her friend was very distressed, but there was nothing that she could do for her.

"We still have to keep moving." Emily said. "Maybe Gru will have one?"

Lucy nodded, and stood up. She brushed off her pants and looked around.

"Let's go that way." She said, pointing towards the center of the island. "We can look to see if their base is over there."

"Man, this island is barren." Emily remarked. "When I heard that this was a private island, this was not what I imagined."

"Me either." Lucy said. They began trekking across the island. "Ugh! Where is it? I can't see it anywhere! This island isn't even that big! Do you think maybe it's underground?"

"Nah." Emily said. "We're on an island. The water table is way too high."

"I know." Lucy sighed. "I'm just getting desperate. I can't see it anywhere!"

Just then, she heard Emily scream. She turned as fast as she could, and saw a gorilla standing over them.

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