Chapter 12

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The gorilla grabbed both of them in it's ginormous arms before they could do anything. Lucy fought and kicked the whole way. She was unwilling to be beaten this easily. She had to find Gru!

It carried them across the island, and down a trapdoor. So, apparently it was underground. They must have built a very strong fortress to be able to withstand that much water. Eventually, the thing stopped walking. It didn't set them down, though. It kept a firm grip on both of them.

"Oh, and here I thought we had gotten rid of you, Mrs. Gru." Lucy heard a voice say behind her.

She recognized that voice. It was that stupid Devin guy who had taken Silas's job.

"You?" She said, shocked. She saw him come into her line of vision. That Carla girl that she hated so much was with him as well. She gasped when she saw her.

"What did you do to Gru?" She yelled.

"Oh, he got what was coming to him." Carla said, slyly, while examining her nails.

Lucy felt anger boiling up inside of her. What had they done to her husband? Was she too late?

"Do you like Thomas?" Devin asked, gesturing to the gorilla that had a tight grip on both of them. "He's one of my proudest achievements. A gorilla that can speak!"

Emily twisted her head around to look at the gorilla.

"He can talk?" She said, somewhat impressed.

"That's not the point." Lucy said. "What have you done with Gru?"

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" Devin smirked.

"Take care of this one." Carla said to Thomas, gesturing to Lucy. "But leave the other one. I think that she will be very useful."

Emily looked at Lucy with wide, panicked eyes as Thomas dropped her, and carried Lucy away.

Lucy felt herself be tossed unceremoniously into a room. She massaged her head. It had made hard contact with the ground, and she was seeing stars. Her vision was blurry.

"Lucy?" She heard a familiar voice.

She looked up and saw the face of her dear husband.

"Gru!!!" She screamed, and stumbled over to him. She fell over in the process. (She still had a hard time seeing straight.) Gru caught her, and held her tighter than he had ever held her before. She relaxed into his embrace, finally allowing herself to feel a bit of calm.

"I thought you had died." Gru said into her hair. She thought she heard a sob.

"I'm ok. I'm here." She whispered.

He pulled her back, so that he could look at her. She appeared to be fine. She had a small bruise on her forehead. He brushed it with his thumb. She flinched upon contact, but relaxed almost immediately afterwards. She leaned into him, and kissed him full on the mouth.

After a little while, she pulled back.

"So, what's with Devin and Carla?" She asked. This all still didn't make any sense to her.

"Ah, I guess I have a lot of explaining to do." He replied.

She snuggled into his chest, and nodded.

He began to relate everything that had happened from the time that he left.

I apologize for the somewhat short chapter. I'm leaving very soon to go out of town, so I'm pretty busy. This will be my last chapter for awhile, because I will not have access to the Internet for the next couple of days. I hope that you all have been enjoying the story so far!

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