Chapter 18

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Gru ran to the same beach where they had last seen Emily, and set Lucy down on the sand. He examined her. She was still alive, but she wasn't moving. Only her eyes were still looking around.

"He injected me with the serum." She croaked. "I can't move anything."

He felt slightly relieved, knowing that she was going to be fine. Carla had specifically told them that the serum was temporary. He also felt extremely protective over her, since she was defenseless on her own.

"It's ok." He cooed. "I've got you. It's going to be fine."

"Where's Carla?" She asked.

He suddenly realized that he didn't know. He walked back over to the trapdoor, with her still in his arms. They found it full of water.

"Oh." She said, softly.

"She saved us." He whispered.

Just then, they heard the sound of a helicopter. He turned around, and saw Emily landing on the beach. They were going home.

Lucy watched as the doctor left her room. It had been a few hours, but the serum had finally worn off. The doctors had completed all of her checkups, and now they could go home. She looked at Gru, who hadn't left her side even once.

"You ready?" She asked.

He nodded, and helped her to stand. She didn't really need him to do that, but she didn't stop him. She knew that he had been terrified this whole time, and was still feeling overprotective.

"Can we see Emily on the way out?" She asked. "I want to thank her."

"Of course." He said.

They were back in the AVL headquarters. When Emily returned on her own, and told her story, some big changes had been made. Silas was reinstated as the director, and all of the agents had their jobs back. Emily had a huge promotion, and was now a field agent, as she had always wanted to be. Lucy's heart swelled with pride when she heard that last bit. Her friend deserved that more than anyone.

The two of them were completely knocked over when they returned home. All three girls were all over them. Hugs and kisses were exchanged, and then they all just sat in one big pile, holding each other.

They all wished that it could last forever.

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