Chapter 16

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Lucy climbed down the ladder after her husband's signal. They both carefully tiptoed down the passages and into the lab. They looked around. Lucy shuddered at the sight of those flies in their glass container. She would never feel the same way about flying insects.

Gru shone his watch around. It was getting low on battery. He really needed to preserve it. Hopefully, the lights would be able to come on when all of the mutants were released.

"You guys are stupid, you know that, right?"

They both turned around to hear the voice behind them. Gru immediately shielded Lucy, and held up the light to see where the sound had come from.

It was Carla, sitting in one of the cages, just like all of the experiments.

"You had a chance of freedom. Now he'll never let you get away." She added.

"Why are you locked up?" Gru asked. Wasn't this girl Devin's right-hand woman?

"I lost my value as his partner." She scowled. "Now all I'm good for is a test subject, just like you guys."

"So that's why." Lucy whispered.

"He doesn't have anything living left on this island. He wants all of us for his experiments." She said, sadly.

Lucy's heart broke for her. Sure, she hated this woman's guts for taking her place at the AVL, but she could see that Carla was well and truly broken by Devin. She felt bad for her.

"Help us." Lucy said. "We'll get you out of here."

Carla looked up. She looked shocked.

"You know that I'm the one who has been fighting against you the whole time, right?" She said.

"That doesn't matter anymore." Gru said. "You know everything about this place, and about Devin. If you help us, we'll help you."

Carla hesitated, but gave in.

"Fine. What's your plan?" She asked.

Gru explained his plan.

"Not bad." She said. "But, it'll never work by itself. It's a great distraction, but you need a plan to take him down."

"What do you suggest?" Gru asked.

She looked around, and then pointed.

"That syringe." She said. "Inject him with that. It will paralyze him long enough for you to tie him up, and get him back to your agency."

Lucy picked up the syringe.

"Get those keys from over there, and let me out." She said. "We need to get started."

A few minutes later, they were all standing around the lab table, listening to Carla.

"Gru, you're going to be the one letting all of the creatures out." She commanded. "Here's the key. We need you to not get caught. That's the most important thing. If you get caught before the animals are all let out, neither of us can help you."

Gru nodded.

"Lucy, you are going to be the distraction for Gru. You need to be caught on camera as much as possible. We want Devin to be focused on you, until Gru is done."

"And what will you do?" Lucy asked.

"I'm going to give him this." She said, holding up the syringe. "Whenever all of the animals are released, there will be chaos. I'm going to sneak up on him, and give him this. You two need to be near me with rope ready. Then, we'll drag him to the beach, and wait for your agency to get here."

"What if one of us is caught by him?" Lucy asked.

"Just don't get caught." Carla said. "Believe me, you're never getting out of here if you do."

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