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That night at dinner, after my shower, I sat at the table as my mother and father looked at me. "You named it, didn't you?" I sighed and nodded. "Boaz. He's so pretty and majestic and beautiful. The most beautiful horse I have ever seen and you yourself said everyone needs a name, dad." I said as he shook his head. "They told you not to name it right?" My mom asked as I shrugged. "Mr. Slade didn't, technically he asked me not to name him and Samuel did but Samuel said I couldn't so I just had to. He gets on my nerves." I said as my dad nodded. "That's my girl." But he shook his head disapprovingly when my mom shot him a glare. My mom just shook her head. "Just like Slade got on my nerves. You two need to learn to get along, Dylin." I shook my head. "No mom he's way worst." My mom and dad both laughed at that as I sighed. "Oh yeah Samuel said meet him at eleven in the loft tomorrow morning." I nodded and ate my dinner.

After dinner I went to my room and stared at the picture on my nightstand. The picture of Corbin, his horse Dante, me, and my horse Roman; sat on my nightstand. I held it in my hand as I smiled down at it. We were both on our horses holding hands as we smiled down at the camera. That seems so long ago but was only a year ago. "Hey." Cam said as I smiled. "Hey Cameron." "I think he's going to end up being your horse." I shook my head. "No more horses for me. I don't ride and I am not owning another one. Oh Cyrus was biting Digby again." I said as he smiled. "I can't believe you named my horse Digby. Of all the horses it had to be mine." I smiled at the memory. I had named every single one of those horses except Dante and Major. Corbin named Dante and Samuel named Major. "Have you went lately?" I shook my head and smiled sadly. "I was going to maybe tomorrow but I don't know." "You still haven't said goodbye?" I shook my head. "I can take you." I shook my head. "I need to do it alone." "You know where at, right?" I nodded as he patted my knee and stood up. "Love you sis." "Love you too Cameron." He shut my door behind him, once again leaving me with my thoughts. My rolling thoughts that where like a broken record.

Why did it happen?

What did I do wrong?

Could I have saved them?

Should I have done something different?

It should have been me.

The next morning I groggily wake up. It was only eight so I had enough time before I had to meet Samuel. I walked the short distance and laid two sets of flowers before sitting down. "Roman and Dante. The best of friends. The dynamic duo of horses. I miss you guys." I whispered before standing up and walking to the cemetery. Corbin Anthony Williams. Was scrawled above the two distinctive dates and beloved son and friend. A horse with a guy and a cross as between the dates and the four words that vaguely described him. He was so much more than a beloved son and friend. He was my best friend and their only son. I laid my last handful of flowers down before sitting next to the tombstone. "Hey buddy. I really miss you. I wish you'd come back but I know that won't happen. I haven't ridden, no. I can't. But we got a new horse at the stables. I named him Boaz. He's gorgeous, you would have loved him Corbin. He looks kinda like Dante only he's all gray. Not much white. I went and visited them first since they were on the way. I hope your taking care of Roman for me.-" My spoken words were cut off by my phone ringing. "Hello?" "Where in the world are you. You were supposed to be here half an hour ago." "Man sorry Samuel." I said hanging up as I stood and putting a hand on Corbin's tombstone as a see you again gesture before running to the stables.

"Bout time. Where were you?" I shrugged as I sat down on a tiny bean bag as he sat on another across from me. "Whatever. Anyway, we have got to get along unfortunately." I glared as he sighed. "So we good?" I nodded as he sighed. "You know when it's time to break him you will have to ride him since he likes you and all." i shook my head. "I ain't doin it." I said with my country accent as he rolled his eyes and nodded. "You have to, he likes you. You still haven't ridden?" I shook my head looking down as he sighed. "You'll be fine. Gosh come on." I sighed not having enough strength to argue with him. He grabbed a lead rope and led the frantic horse to the paddock where I stood on the metal fence. The round pen was big enough to let him run and throw dust. I watched as the majestic horse tossed his head and pounded his hooves. He wanted to be free. It was as if we were taunting him by putting him in this round pen. He didn't want to be caged in a stall or a pen. "Try putting him in the big field over night." I said as Samuel shook his head. "He jumped it. And I will never be able to get him to work with him." I sighed and smiled. "Guess we will just have to work on the fence. Tell your dad. And let me worry about getting him back each morning okay?" "Whatever. We will try it one night after the pen gets fixed up. If you can't get him back then we aren't doing that anymore, got it?" I nodded as I climbed into the pen. "Give me the lunge rope." I said when Boaz seemed to calm down more. Samuel handed me the rope silently but I could tell he didn't want to. "Thanks." "Be careful Dylin. I don't feel like calling an ambulance." I glared at him then plastered on a fake smile when I noticed Mr. Slade watching. "Your daddy is watching put on a show." I muttered before turning to Boaz. Boaz was pounding a hoof on the ground. "You got the halter on him last night?" I asked. "Yeah took a while and he put up a fight but I won." I walked slowly holding the lunge rope out. He sniffed it and snorted as I grabbed the lead rope. "Its okay boy. Im here. Hey Boaz. You're a beauty, you know that? Good boy." I muttered as I switched the ropes out and hung the lead rope on the fence beside him. I went to the center of the pen and took a long metal stick from Samuel. I wouldn't hit the horse, just wave it behind him to keep him going in the direction I wanted him to. He ran in a circle as Mr. Slade nodded and brought Willow to the open field that he turned her loose in.

"Good job Samuel and Dyl." I nodded as Boaz frantically looked around. "He's still scared Sam." Samuel scowled at the nickname and sighed while shrugging a shoulder. "Try pulling him in and petting him. Make him comfortable with you." I nodded as I did what I was told. Boaz kept backing away and wouldn't come near me. "Hey hand me the rope." Samuel whispered in my ear as I handed him the rope but didn't move from his side. "Walk up and touch him." I looked at Samuel like he was crazy. "You're seriously taking something because he will trample me or kick me." Samuel shook his head and chuckled. "I won't let him. Now go on. Just be gentle and slow." I nodded as I held a hand out. Boaz sniffed it before pushing his nose into the palm of my hand. I turned back and smiled at Samuel who was smiling back. "He really does like you." I rubbed the side of his face slowly and softly as I smiled. "What happened to him?" I asked Samuel, who rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Well I think he was in an accident where the owner just left him in the trailer. They thought his leg was broke and when they finally got him out of the trailer and to a vet he was crazy. They said he was too damaged to become what they wanted him to. So dad and I bought him." I looked up into Boaz's big brown eyes as he looked frantically around. "I know what it's like to feel too damaged to become anything." I whispered quietly so Samuel wouldn't hear before kissing the top of Boaz's nose. I was surprised he let me but rubbed the side of his face some more. "Was he beat before?" I asked as Samuel shrugged. "I think so but I can't say for sure." I nodded realizing we had something in common. "Wait he was in a riding accident or car accident?" "The vet said both. His previous owner said she had to decline from answering the question which means yeah." I sighed kissing his nose again. Samuel stepped forward as I rubbed the side of his head and leaned my head into his neck. "You think you'll be ready to ride him?" I shook my head. "I am not riding him, Samuel." He sighed and peered around the horse's face. "Do it for me? I have never asked anything from you, but he wouldn't let me ride him. But he will let you. Please for me?" He asked as I sighed. "I don't know Samuel. I just don't think I will be ready...ever."

"One day you will be and I will be right here with Boaz waiting for you. You coming to the picnic thing?" I scoffed and smiled. "My mom would kill me if I didn't and dad said it was mandatory so he better see me." He chuckled as I giggled and settled into a smile. "We could have him trained in a month don't you think?" He asked peering around the horse's head. I nodded as his twin brother and sister ran up. "Everyone is getting here. Uncle Marcus, Aunt Steph, Wilson, uncle Tyler, little Ty, uncle Kaleb, jack, aunt Renee, uncle Ace, aunt Julie, Lillian, her new boyfriend Terry, John, Adam, uncle Todd, aunt Jace, uncle Jordan, aunt Lisa, Ben, Logan, Mrs. Emma, Bryan, Victoria, and all the guys. And gosh he is so pretty." Stella gushed as I smiled. "Hey guys." "Daddy said come on. What is his name anyway?" Shane asked as I smiled and hugged Boaz's big head into my chest. "Boaz." "What kind of name is that?" He asked as I shooed them away. "Sounds like someone i know." I muttered as Samuel chuckled. We brought Boaz back to his stall before finding all the families talking and laughing. I hugged my nephew, Bryan, and my niece, Victoria, before taking Victoria in my arms. Bryan was lifted into Samuel's as he smiled and rubbed the top of Bryan's head. Then he tickled him as my nephew laughed. Samuel smiled the whole time. He would be a great father, he's so great with all the kids. His 13 year old sister, Savannah, the six year old twins, Shane and Stella, my three year old nephew, Bryan, my one year old niece, Victoria, and all of the other kids around town. I sat between Samuel and Andrew with Victoria on my lap and Bryan on Samuel's. "Cute kids." Andrew muttered as I smiled. "My nephew, Bryan, and my niece, Victoria. Anderson's kids." I said as he nodded. He looked indifferent as I smiled down at little Victoria. 

I just sat there looking at all of my family and friends. You could hear the laughs and yells of people of all ages. You could hear the love in one another's voices. There's no other place like this one, with my family and friends realizing one day I will have my own kids running around and my own husband grilling. I used to think maybe that would be Corbin and I. I used to think a lot of things, but reality is what is important. And the reality is i am surrounded by people who love me right now.

Taunting Him (Book 2 In The Player Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu