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As soon as Samuel picked me up i groaned and crossed my arms. The tank top hung to my body as the jean shorts made my legs look longer than what they were. My cowgirl boots had the right dirty worn down look to them. And my cowgirl hat dipped low on my head. "What's got you so down, pretty cowgirl?" I just glared at him. He chuckled and pulled out of my driveway. "I told Bradley and the rest of my family i would ride Boaz in a barrel race when he was ready." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow as I rolled my eyes at the amused look on his face. "I know. I know. What in the world was i thinking? I am not going to be able to ride by then. What is wrong with me?" "So I guess you gotta ride after all." I glared at him as he fixed his eyes on the road in front of us. "You'll help me right?" He nodded taking my hand in his. Why was he being so nice to me? What was going on? "Is Aaron goin to be there?" He asked as I nodded. "He invited me." "Cool. We will just pick up Andrew on the way." I nodded as he pulled into a driveway. "You know Samuel I don't think I could ride again." He sighed as he honked the horn. "Look you have that mentality that you will do what you want when you want. Dylin, I know you and Roman were bonded like a rope but he's gone. You can't keep blaming yourself for the accident. It wasn't your fault." I hung my head low and before I could say anything Andrew climbed in. "Hey guys." He smiled as I waved over my shoulder. "Hey Andrew."

Once at the rodeo, we all climbed out and immediately a few guys started staring. "Whoa Dyl, all the guys look like they want you and the girls look plain jealous."Andrew said as I shrugged and Samuel nodded. "Happens all the time." I rolled my eyes and shook my head as some guy walked up to me. "Hey haven't seen you in a while, you riding tonight?" I shook my head as he smirked. "Too bad. You know Diana took first just about everywhere." I nodded. I was so sick of everyone telling me who had won or what i was missing. I know what I am missing. I know what I can't seem to do. And hearing it over and over and over again is running my patience low. "You know if you want to come sit with me we-." His sentence was cut off by arms wrapping around my waist. "Hey baby. When did you get here?" I turned to see Aaron and his charming smile. His cowboy hat hid his dark brown hair. "Aaron. Hey." I said as he hugged my neck before looking over at Samuel. "Hey Sammy boy. And Andrew, right?" Andrew nodded as Samuel scowled at the dumb nickname. "So you ready to see some of the guys?" "I wanna see Midnight first." i mumbled as he rolled his eyes. "Sometimes I think you love my horse more than me." I nodded. "I do." i muttered as he rolled his eyes and led Samuel, Andrew, and I to the stalls. I immediately began petting Midnight, who looks just like Thunder. I remember training her with Corbin, Aaron, and Samuel. She was a quick learner and good horse. I smiled at the memory as Aaron's division was called. "Well good luck Aaron." I said as Samuel, Andrew, and I stood against the fence watching his division. Team roping. After Aaron's run, we left since it was late.

The next morning I held Jeta's lead rope tightly in my hand. "No you take Boaz and I will take her because he isn't too fond of me yet. And Bradley don't feed Hurricane sugar cubes right now." Samuel said as I laughed and handed him the lead rope. After leading them around the barrels a lot Bradley took Hurricane and Jeta back to their stalls. "Think your ready?" I just raised an eyebrow. "To ride." I shook my head. "I saw how much you wanted to be riding around those barrels." I sighed as he looked down at me. "I have been working with him. Putting the saddle and everything on him. Now I just need someone to get on him." "I don't know." "Come on. I will be right here and I won't let anything bad happen." "You don't know that." He sighed. "You are very difficult Dylan Grace Jones. I am giving you a leg up on the horse and you are getting on him now." "No i am not." i said sternly as I planted my feet in the ground because I was not going anywhere. "Look Dylin I am not about to argue with you. You are ready. You are just scared. Stop being so scared." "I am scared. I shouldn't have been riding that night. In fact if I wasn't Roman wouldn't have gotten

hurt and Corbin and Dante wouldn't have been out looking for me. Then we wouldn't have been in that accident. It was my fault. It is my fault because I was stupid enough to ride. I won't make the same mistake again. I can't ride Samuel. Ever. I can't ride ever again." I cried as I hugged Boaz.

Sometimes I feel like the horses are the only ones that truly get me anymore. I feel as if they understand why I am scared. And more than anything they feel my pain.

"Dylin." I turned to see Samuel who nodded. "Okay. Not today." He whispered as I smiled softly. "Thank you." He shook his head as he disappeared. I hugged Boaz one last time before bringing him to his stall. "But dad she won't ride. You said she would've been riding by now." "I know Samuel but she's Dylin. She isn't going to do what she doesn't feel comfortable doing." I heard a loud sigh. "But she's wasting her talent. She could go pro still." "Samuel. You can't make her ride if she doesn't want to." "Maybe she isn't ready dad, maybe she won't ever be." "Don't say that Samuel." I shook my head. Anger coursed through my veins as I looked up at Boaz. I immediately went to the tack room and grabbed a saddle and a bridle. I tacked Boaz up the whole time Samuel and Mr. Slade argued about how I was ready or how im not but Samuel's words haunted my mind. "Maybe she isn't ready dad, maybe she won't ever be," maybe he was right. Maybe he wasn't. I don't care either way because I am riding Boaz now. I tried mounting him but he shifted and tried moving away.

It took a few tries but eventually he let me get on him. Once I mounted him successfully I patted the side of his neck and smiled. "I did it boy. I got on a horse." I whispered into the wind just as Samuel walked out the barn angry and frustrated. "So much for I will not be ready right?" I growled as he looked at me wide eyed. "You heard." He said almost as whisper. "Well look at me now Samuel." I spat as he smiled. "Exactly. Look at you miss Dyl." He smirked as I realized that was just his plan. "I hate you." I muttered as he just kept the smirk plastered on his face. "You love me. No go on since your up there. Take him around the barrels. Slowly." I nodded and got my trainers face on. I would deal with him later on. I walked him around the barrels a few times before trotting around a few times. "Okay try a canter or gallop." I nodded and squeezed my legs into Boaz's flank. He seemed to glide around the barrels. I missed being up here. I missed riding horses. I missed gliding around the barrels as if I were flying in thin air. I missed having the feeling of completeness. Once I tugged on the reins making him halt, I smiled broadly. "That was great. I miss seeing you ride." I looked down at Boaz and patted his neck. Maybe I was meant to ride again. And maybe I am meant to ride again


Taunting Him (Book 2 In The Player Series)Where stories live. Discover now