Taunting Him

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I happily rode Boaz back and when I reached the stables i saw a smirking Samuel, slightly confused stranger, and a stone faced Mr. Slade. "Nice to have you back Dylin." Mr. Slade said nodding and patting my leg before walking away. "Wait this is Dylin? The whole time I thought you were talking about some dude. Man, Samuel, I thought you were gay." I smiled sadly. He had talked about me. Enough to make this stranger know who I was. "No. Gosh. Shut up Peter." "He's gotten better." I said as he raised his eyebrows. "That horse actually listens to someone." Peter, the stranger, raised an eyebrow as Samuel nodded. "Peter this is Dylin Jones, Boaz's owner. Dylin this is Peter White, our new stable hand; he isn't really new but since you left." He said not wanting to mention Andrew's name. I nodded and shook Peter's hand before sliding off of Boaz. "So you're the person who named this horse and made them keep him? Because let me tell you, you are one big psycho." He muttered as I made a face at him. "Sorry." He mumbled as I looked past him to see two familiar horses as well as two unfamiliar ones. "Is that-?" "Oh yeah. That's Jeta and Hurricane. Mr. Rogers sold them to dad. Spradley and Shiloh are coming next week. He had to get rid of all of his horses quickly and knew that we had trained them so sold all four of them to us for real cheap." "What about Ivery, Stormy, Arabella, and Diamond?" I asked about the four mares that had given birth to these taller horses. "Ivery and Diamond went to Piper's, Stormy went to a ranch in Texas, and Arabella went to Mitch over on Hill Street." I nodded as he shrugged a shoulder. There as I stood next to Boaz and Samuel stood on the other side of Boaz, we lined up perfectly with his front hooves. "Do I have my other half back?" Samuel smiled at me as I nodded. He smiled proudly at me as he leaned around Boaz and pecked my lips with his. "Now Peter wanna see how the famous Dylin comes up with her names for the horses?" He nodded as I brought Boaz to his stall. "Okay let me see the horse first." i muttered as they led me to the new horse. He was a beautiful roan color. "Gosh he's beautiful, stallion or gelding?" "Gelding." "Stomp or paw?" "Stomp." "Feed or hay?" "Feed." "Brush or wash?" "Brush." "Abel." "Abel?" Peter asked as Samuel nodded. "Okay the next one." i said coming to a beautiful red horse with a big white diamond. "Inform me Peter. Now quick." "Uh, well, mare, 4. She, uh, eats her hay more. She likes baths and doesn't like to be brushed." "Does she stomp or paw her hooves?" I asked as he thought about it. "Not sure." He finally said as Samuel smiled. "Paws." "Okay. Ezra." "How?" Peter asked as I smiled. "As Samuel and I were taught, pawing means aggression and domination. Stomping means more gentler. Feed or hay is for my future reference when I feed them. Not liking water means she shies away from rivers and creeks which means she will be good in the pasture to the left because that one, as you should know, has a creek and a river in the far back. If they liked to be brushed they don't care how much you yank or hit their bodies. If they don't, they like a gentler touch." He nodded as if trying to take it all in. Samuel just hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek. "I have really missed you Dylin. I love you." He whispered in my ear as I smiled. Life finally felt complete and like it was finally getting back on track.

Two years later

I sat on the tailgate and looked out at our big growing family. Bradley and Cameron all cooed at Vanessa and Bryan with their new girlfriends while Anderson held his pregnant wife in a hug. My parents sat happily with the Mr. and Mrs. Quinn. Savannah had brought over a friend of hers, who had an older brother that had recently became the best of friends with Samuel and I. He and his wife were great people, in fact his wife and I are pregnant at the same time. That's right, Samuel and I got married and is now expecting a baby. The Riggens are expecting their first a month before us. I couldn't ask for anything more than to be here surrounded by family and friends with love floating in the air. These are the reasons why I wake up with a smile on my face, all because God blessed my life with them. I would be dead without God and I can't thank him enough for saving me that night. Because I should have died that night. Andrew should have killed me and would have if that angel of a cop hadn't responded to a dumb prank his force played on him. This is why God kept me alive. For this family. For the love. For the happiness. For Samuel. For taunting him all the days of my life from now on. 

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