My Girl

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I smiled up at my mom when she sat across from me. "Sorry you had to wait baby. I was helping Samuel move into that little house down the road." "What?" "He moved to the old house down the road from Slade and Sarah." With a puzzled look i let my mouth hang open but I wasn't sure what to say. I never pictured Samuel moving out until he got married or something. He loved those horses and being that close to the barn but most of all he loved his siblings. He loved how close he was with them and how they were all so close. Why would he move out? What had happened? I thought as my mom smiled and nodded.

"He moved to the old house down the road from his parents?" I asked to make sure as my mom nodded. "Wow. Didn't think he would ever move out." She laughed as I smiled. "How are things with you and Andrew?" She asked as I nodded. "Good." i muttered not mentioning how we had been fighting lately. If she thinks I am happy then she will tell Mrs. Sarah and Mr. Slade and they will mention it in front of Samuel. He will think I am happy and everything will be alright. "How's Boaz?" I asked as she made a face. "They are keeping him because he's yours but Samuel still tries everyday and he kicked the mess out of him last Tuesday. Samuel had to go to the hospital, they thought he cracked a rib, but he didn't. He misses you a lot, Dylin." "Who Boaz, or Samuel?" She smiled softly and sighed shaking her head. "Both of them." "Oh man. I love you mom. I gotta go." "I love you too. See you next week." She smiled as I kissed her cheek and hugged her neck before driving home. Andrew sat angry on the couch as I ran in. "Hey baby. Sorry I was with my mom and lost track of time." "I am hungry. Dinner is supposed to be done and ready when I get home." I sighed as I walked to the kitchen. "I know baby but for real i was with mom and lost track of time." "Oh and that makes it a whole lot b

etter." He spat angrily as I scoffed. "It's my mom. We could just order pizza or something." I growled as he laughed angrily. "Oh yeah and while your at it order me a unicorn." "Quit being a jerk." I spat running my fingers through my hair as I walked away. He yanked my hair back so hard I fell straight on my butt. He leaned dangerously close to me as I looked at him shocked. He had never once even acted like he would hit me. "I am not a jerk, you brat." He spit at me, it landed on the floor beside me so I punched him. He slapped me straight across the face. I held my cheek as I tried scooting away from him. He hit me again and I kicked him in the shin. I fought back but in the end I was the one on the ground crying with a face full of blood while he walked away with a few bruises and scratches he could claim as trophies from Saturday night football or something dumb. I pulled my knees to my chest as I cried. This wasn't how my life was supposed to turn out. This wasn't how my life was going to be. I was supposed to be happy. Not sitting on the ground in a ball crying and bleeding from the guy who was supposed to love me.

Eleven months later

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock had been the only sound for about three hours now. He was supposed to be home five hours ago. I paced the kitchen wondering what he was doing. Cheating? Drinking? Partying? I was so done with all of his childish games. I couldn't do this anymore. His lying and leaving and abuse. Every single day I received backlash from his bad days and even some of his good days. Im sick of being his punching bag. And his slave basically. I sat at the table waiting for the front door to open. Willing it to open. Finally it did. "Where have you been?" I asked as he laughed and shrugged. Like this was all some kind of joke. Like we were two kids trying to play house and we would all go to our homes at the end of the day with a hot meal and happy family. "Out." He spat as I laughed disgusted. "So drinking, partying, or with some girl?" "It doesn't concern you, Dyl." I had become Dyl, no longer Dylin. Dylin would have fought back and left. But I didn't. I eventually stopped fighting and now look at me stuck in this broken relationship. One day he'll kill me. I'm sure of it. "Yes it does Andrew. I am your fiancé. You were supposed to be home hours ago." "Stop nagging me." He yelled as I sighed. "No I can't do this any longer Andrew. The parties, and the drinking, and the- the- the other girls. I'm done." I cried as he stared back at me in disgusted. "No you aren't." He spat as I nodded. "Im so done with the pretending that I am happy. All these parties and your drinking." I said as he scoffed. "You're real funny Dyl." He spat running his hand through his hair as he kicked the chair, breaking it in the process. I jerked as he laughed bitterly. "You want to leave? Is that right Dylin?" He asked as I nodded and held the tears back. I couldn't cry. Not right now. "Then leave. You'll leave alright. You'll leave in a body bag where you belong." He spat as he towered over me. I tried backing away knowing what was coming. But I wasn't quick enough. His fist came crashing against my face. Again and again. His fist and feet collided with my body sending me around as if I were a ragdoll. I basically was to him. His punching bag. I felt weak and useless. Broken and shattered. All of my hope was gone and all of my faith was thin. Only God could get me out of this mess I put myself in. I just had to trust him.

Taunting Him (Book 2 In The Player Series)Where stories live. Discover now