I First meet

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        I was 15 when the first kaiju attack happened. So many people were killed, and many more were injured. Out of all the ashes in America, my parents died, they were on a business trip for work, I stayed in Australia though. Stupid kaiju. I've been hiding in the streets, eating what I can, fighting for my food. 

        I have a place, an old abandoned house. I have the necessities like a hairbrush, rubber bands, scissors (for haircuts), toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. All my clothes from my old house are in good condition, some are torn from fights and others I haven't worn because they are too tight and my movement is limited. I do wear them for special occasions though.

. . .

        I woke up this morning with messy hair, why did I have to wake up today? I groaned as I checked my phone, my aunt's birthday is today. I have to go see her despite the fact that I hate her. The woman has acted like she owns me since the death of my parents, how I want to never see her again. May as well piss her off if I have to see her. She is a fancy woman, I am laid back "skater girl" as others call me. 

        I pulled myself out of my bed and shuffled over to the drawers containing my clothes. I opened the top drawer and pulled out a shirt and tank top, then unopened the second drawer and got out some ripped jeans, opened the third drawer and pulled out under garments and socks. I walked to the bathroom and pulled off my shirt, with me torso exposed like this I got a good look at some new bruises and battle wounds. There was a bruise on my side, and a gash with dried blood on my shoulder. Damn gangs, with their fancy little knives and tricks. I got my pants off and took a shower. With so many destroyed or abandoned homes, home sales people gave up on coverage and just let everything go.

. . .

        When I was ready, I brushed my hair and noticed it was very choppy and noticeable. I brushed out my hair and took the scissors and gave it a snip. I also gave myself some side bangs. I got my hair dryer and brush and dried my hair, gave it a wind-blown effect. I reached into the doors at the bottom of the sink for the piece of resistance, the maroon beanie. Among all the others I own it is my favorite. I ran to the door, got my key and put on my white converse high tops. 

        I was walking down the streets, listening to music, looking down, and kicking a rock. I kicked the rock one more time and it skidded a foot or two, then somebody else kicked it down the drain. There goes my entertainment, I thought, I didn't look up though. I kept walking and bumped into somebody, I looked up to see a guy with ginger-ish hair. His blue eyes looked like they had seen many fights.

        "Oi, Watch where you’re going," he said.

        "Make me," I replied plainly. I walked past him, bumping into him with my shoulder on purpose. "Whoops," I smiled devilishly, but it wasn't exactly a smirk though. A few seconds later I felt a hand on my arm, and was being pulled into an ally. When I turned around I saw the ginger guy again, Can't leave me alone can you? I mentally smirked. I jerked my arm away from him, and now I got a good look at him. He was wearing a tight grey shirt, and I could see his six-pack. He was also wearing cargo pants and army boots. His ginger hair was brushed back but really messy. His blue eyes looked like the ocean after a hurricane. Man you’re cute, I thought. At a slight angle I could see two dog tags around his neck, Are you in the army or something? I thought you had respect for girls, I thought.

        "Watch it," was all he said when I yanked my arm away from him.

        "What are you going to do about it? You can't, and wouldn't, hit a girl,"I smirked, I was all talk no fight. Or am I? He looked pissed, I started to walk away. He grabbed my arms again, but with a much more firm hold. "Let go of me!" I yelled. I tried to pull free from his grasp, but his grip was too strong and it only tightened the more I struggled. When I couldn't take it anymore I finally kicked him and he let go. I threw a punch at him, right in the nose.

        "What do you think Beautiful?" He growled as he got up.

        Crap, what have I gotten myself into?

 . . .

What do you think? if you are still waiting for chapter two, I am sorry it has taken sooo long. But I am done with this BIG project for school so I can update. what do you think is going to happen next? please comment and vote and stuff.

- Onyx_Insanity

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