III Him Again

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        I stood there motionless, he was here. Holy crap, I mentally started swearing at myself and panicking.

        "Sup guys" I moaned and looked down at my phone. When I looked back up my aunt was giving me a bitter look, I love it! "What?"

        "You could use your manners" my aunt scowled.

        "Fine, let me try again: Hello my name is Kris, it is a pleasure to meet you. Better?" Chuck giggled and Herc tried to hide a smile, but it wasn't happening. Herc looked like he had just swallowed something really sour, it was hilarious. I accidentally laughed, REALLY LOUDLY. My aunt was giving my that bitter look again. Whoops. I pretended to have been looking at my phone the whole time, but they weren't falling for it.

        "Was it something I said?" Chuck asked. I shook my head no.

        "You haven't said anything so far." Herc smiled. "I know what it was though. It was the fact of how her aunt was making her use her manners and our reactions toward it."

        "What, of course not. it was something I saw on my phone." I lied. I could see my aunt smirking. "Auntie dear, please take that stupid smile off your face. Is to obvious that its fake." Her expression suddenly turned hard and cold. Shit, what have I done?

        "I will if you do dearest, after all it is rude to disrespect your elders. Especially when it is a ungrateful little brat like you in front of army officials. Just because your parents died, doesn't mean that you can be rude to your parents, if you had any to be rude too. I bet you were thankful that they died so nobody could hold you back from doing what ever you wanted, and when you did you wouldn't get in trouble." Ouch. I immediately shut my mouth and held back tears. It was so hard, her mentioning my parents like that. When my parents died, it was the hardest day -no- year of my life. I had nightmares for month after month without end. I miss them so much. I bit my lip to look strong. Chuck stepped to my side and held my arm, he knows what is going to happen next.

        I got my free hand ready. "Bitch!" I yelled and slapped her across the face. She stumbled backward a bit then looked at me. "Don't you ever, EVER, speak of my parents. Especially like that, ever again!" I wanted to do more but I didn't, I have to keep my cool. I'm not the ungrateful one here.

        "Kris!" Herc Shouted. I looked at him with terror, now aware of what I just did in front of an army official, especially a jaeger pilot. Chuck let go of me, he still stayed by my side though. "That was not very lady-like and I will not have a girl like you not have the opportunity to be a jaeger pilot. I believe that by the way you reacted you have to potential to be a pilot, but your one weakness is your parents. Don't mention it at the shatter-dome and you will be fine."

        "Well I'm sorry I'm not lady like but-" I'm missing something here. I quickly went over what Herc just said in my mind again '... I will not have a girl like you not have the opportunity to become a jaeger pilot...' "Wait what?"

        "Your going to become a pilot" Chuck whispered in my ear.

        "Your going to have the opportunity to become a pilot. My son seems to like you so he will train you." Herc corrected.

        I looked up to Chuck, he was smiling. "Dad!" Did you just blush Mr. Tough Guy?

        "Sorry, let me correct myself: he seems to be in love with you" I started giggling, Chuck was blushing a bit more, and my aunt let out the biggest and most exaggerated gasp you will ever hear in your life. we all turned to look at her. "WHAT," we all said in unison.

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