IV Titan

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        I stood there mortified, memories from my past flooding through my mind. My heart was pounding in my chest, ringing in my ears. It was going so fast I thought it might burst and that I will die right then and there. I wanted to move but my limbs wouldn't budge. The kaiju was getting too close for comfort. I started panicking, the pilots of Striker Eureka were standing with me right now and the other Australian jaeger pilots had time off. I felt a hand on my arm pulling me away from the windows, it was Cuck. Suddenly the kaiju was just over my house, its gray legs right in front of me. This time we all froze. Herc was the only one who acted, pushing us upstairs and into a closet. The kaiju's screeching was so deafening, I wanted to scream so bad. I shrunk down slowly and quietly to a corner of the closet, Chuck sat with me and turned on his cellphone. The closet was filled with a blue glow from his phone screen. The kaiju shrieked again and the sound of breaking wood was heard.  At that moment Chuck's phone decided to turn off and I was breaking down in tears. I am not terrified, I am mortified with fear and there is no moving me anywhere.

        A tear rolled down my cheek and my breath was quivering. I felt arms wrap around me and I jumped. A slight glow from somebody's phone lit up the closet again. I saw Chuck's arms wrap around me in a calming manner, although he put his finger to his lips to signal that I shouldn't scream (to be honest I was going to scream). He put his arm back around me and hold me tight, rocking me back and forth.

        Suddenly the house shook again and I jumped again but took Chuck's shirt collar and griped it tight and buried my head in his chest. I don't want to see that ugly thing if it’s what's going to kill me. We stayed there in the darkness of the closet until a few moments later we heard an explosion and the kaiju roar and head back to the beach. I looked up and crawled to the door. I took a deep breath, expecting to the kaiju to be staring right back at me, when I opened the door barely any of my house was still standing. The only things left undamaged, that I could see, was the staircase from the upstairs to the downstairs and a tiny "bridge" to them. I looked in the direction of the beach and saw the kaiju fighting a jaeger in the ocean, far away from the beach.

        I sat staring in awe, help was here. The jaeger was red with a white stripe down the middle of it, on both front and back. Canada. I watched in awe as this jaeger shot its plasma cannon at it again. I covered my ears as the loud boom went off three times. When the kaiju was weakened, the Canadian jaeger hit the kaiju on the head a few times then snapped its neck. Okay then... I thought. Moments later Herc and Chuck came rushing behind me.

        "Is that? No, it can't be. No, no, no, no, NO. Why them?" I heard Chuck grumble.

        "What is it?" I asked looking up at him

        "It's the Canadian jaeger, Titan." Chuck said matter-of-factly. How am I supposed to know these things?


        "Chuck isn't particularly fond of them. Their co-pilot and Chuck were constantly competing for everything; girls, friends, and who was at the head of the class in the JPA. Even though Chuck "won," they have still been competing to see who the next Marshal will be... Even though it will be me" Herc said, but whispered that part ever so faintly that I barely heard it. I smirked to myself, he reminded me of my own dad.

        "Yea, and I will be the next Marshall, and Kris can be my 'Marshaless'" Chuck said. I felt my cheeks get warm, I was blushing for once. He opened his mouth to say more but I stopped him, before it got even more awkward.

        "So we need to get to that ledge over there, it’s a big jump," I looked at the space between us and the ledge. The splintery floor awaited us below, it was a sure death, or very painful wounds. "But we can make it. Any volunteers?" Herc pulled me back and got a sort of running start, since there wasn't that much space to run from. When he jumped he made it perfectly well to the other side.

         Chuck just jumped off, but barely missed. He must be strong if he can make it to other side without a running start. When he steadied himself Herc gave him a light slap on the shoulder. I took a deep breath and readied myself. One, for my family. Two, For Chuck and Herc. Three, for the world.

        I run and then jump, not knowing if i would make it or not. I get to the other side safely, and breath out a sigh of relief. There was a loud cracking sound and when we looked down the floor was cracking.

        "Come on, move slowly though" Herc motioned for us to follow him slowly. First Herc was safe, then Chuck. Not me. I breathed too soon. The floor gives out from under me and i cry out. I manage to grab onto the ledge with my bare finger tips. My nails are most likely leaving an indentaion of some sort on the wooedn floor. With one hand i get a better grip, then i do the same with the other hand. I try and use the little strength i have left to pull myself up, but its no use. I hang there, awaiting my hands to give out and for my to fall.

        "Kris!" i hear somebody shout. Before long Chuck looms over me holding out his hand. I take it with my right hand, but the moment our hands meet my left hand slips. It wasn't too late though becuase Chuck had a firm grip on my right hand and was able to pull me, but when i was over the edge we fell on top of eachother. I gulp nervously and get off of him. I bet i am blushing becuase I feel the heat raise to my cheeks.

        Her quickly broke the tension in the air," Come on lets go Kris, and make sure to bring lover boy with you." I start to laugh and Chuck growls angrily.

 . . .

---At the Shatterdome---

        I look around, this place is huge! There were pilots everywhere, along with their jaegers. I keep looking, left to right, until i find the Canadian Jaeger. I run up to it and stare at it closely. The metal on it was scratched but still looked new. I look around and see a guy in a jaeger pilot suit approach me. He has ruffled black hair, blue eyes, and broad shoulders. I stare at him; he is quite handsome. He aapproaches me and stands there staring at me.

        i clear my throat. He comes out of his daze and snaps back into reality. "May I help you?" I ask politely.

        "Well I don't know Kris. You should know me..." He says, a hint of sadness in his Canadian accent. I stare at him for a moment, racking my mind of multiple personalities he couldd be. There is only one perosn he could be, but that person is dead.

        "No, im sorry" I mutter looking at him. I see his eyes become glassy with a few tears threatening to fall down his cheecks. "But, how do you know my name?"

        "Don't you remember, Kris? In Canada when the Kaiju attacked?"

        "Yes, and the one person i knew from that mountain died. He died in A goddamn Kaiju attack. He got stepped on. Ironic really, now that i think about it." I laugh a sad laugh at the memory. "But thats the only Canadian i ever knew that could crack a joke at any moment to lighten the mood. I'm sorry but you are not him."

        He looked hurt at what i had jsut said. I immediately reggretted what i had said but before i could appologize he spoke. "You sure, Kirstina?" I stared at him blankly. Only one person ever called me that.


. . .

And thats the end of cchapter four (finally!!!) Sorry it took so long, i had tests to study for, but school is finally over! Que the over exaggerated sigh! I can write more, so expect  more :)


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