Chapter 5 ~ Science Experiments

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Chapter 5~ Science Experiments

River Blue Santos

Waking up from my unconscious somber was a simple task but dealing with what I had done was the difficult task that I couldn't bare.

I had shot someone which deeply contributed to his death. How could I have done such a thing? It must have been the heat of the moment which caused me to act so recklessly.

After I had passed out due to the sudden lack of adrenaline I had woken up in a strange, cheap motel room.

It had  peach coloured wallpaper which swelled and bubbled at the edges which contrasted with the musty brown carpet that had itched when I placed my toes on it.

"I'm going to take a shower" A rusty voice intrudes my thoughts. I glance up at A.P and saw a brown towel in his hand, he scratches the back of his head then nods to himself before turning and leaving the room, leaving me alone.

I had woken up to him whimpering in his unconscious somber. He was on the brown carpet and had given me the only small single bed in the room. I had left him whimpering on the ground due to the fact that I didn't know him and I didn't think he would like me waking him up either.

He had promised me a full explanation of what the fuck that was at the ammo shop - the way that large beast of a man had come in looking for him and how he was happy to use me as a hostage to retrieve A.P.

I stand up and glance down at myself, last night he had given me one his old t-shirts that he had found in the boot of his car for me to sleep in.

I scrunch my toes as the unusual itchiness spreads sock-less bare feet. I pull A.P shirt down to cover what I can of my scarred thighs.

"River? Can I call you that?"  He asks coming into the room . I jump slightly and turn around to face him.

"Yes" I squeak back once I take a clear look at his attire, which consisted of an off-white towel that was wrapped firmly around his muscular waist. My eyes travel silently up his wet chest and to his face and I try hard to stop the new blush spreading to my cheeks.

"I don't want to alarm you but I'm sure the men that are after us are outside the motel" he mentions anxiously closing the beige blinds behind him.

"W-what?" I stutter back shocked that I was silly enough to think I was safe from any sort of man-made danger but some how I had wondered into someone else's troubles.

"Lock the door please" he says gently pointing to the cheap oak door behind me and I didn't have to be told twice.

I nod slowly than dash towards the door, bolting it twice. "Now what?" I ask slightly panicked after I had turned around.

With one grip still firmly around his towel he peaks through the blinds again.

"There's two cars, so maximum eight people" He mummers quietly. I bite my lip and move away from the oak door.

"First let me put some pants on and then I'll go kill them." He says planning quietly to himself. walks across the room to grab his boxers and black jeans.

I turn around to allow him to get changed in peace. "Stay behind me" He mutters passing by   still but with a pair of jeans wrapped across his waist, being held up by a navy blue belt. He shoves a gun into the back of his black jeans without looking at me.

"If you hear gunshots that aren't coming from me, duck." He informs me loading another 45 Winchester magnum so it's fully loaded. He hands it to me and waits impatiently for me to take it. I grasp the cold metal in my hand uncertainty.

"Please don't faint, you don't have to use it unless I die" He reassures shrugging causally gesturing that the idea that he could potentially 'die' couldn't matter less to him.

"I still don't know what's out there" I mumble pointing to the door with caution. I can't look at him, knowing if I do, I'll panic.

"Me neither" he whispers to himself and my eyes widen.

"What?!" I whisper yell confused. He looks at me with his eyebrows raised. "I don't have x-ray vision! All I know his that there is two black range rovers outside of this poor people motel. Doesn't that seem strange?" He retorts in a 'duh' tone. I straighten my back and cross my arms.

"What if it's another beast man? You just about handled one of those gone wrong science experiments."

"Then I'm afraid Santos, we're screwed either way" he mutters turning back around to face the door.

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