Chapter 9 - They're watching

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Sebastian was nothing like I had expected, he didn't have red devil horns sticking out of his head nor did he have claws or spiky yellow teeth. Instead he was an extremely attractive middle aged man who right now, looked as if he wanted me dead.

I had never met him in person, nor did I ever want to. His name wasn't allowed to be spoken on the streets, a few people had seen his face but all of them were no longer living, most people believed he was death himself.

"Sebastian she didn't mean to disrespect Phoenix, she's just scared," Apollo mutters from behind me and he was alright, I was scared, absolutely terrified. If my blood had gotten any colder and my heart beat faster, i might go into cardiac arrest. I was standing in-front if a mass murder, a man who sold drugs, prostitutes and much more.

"It's fine, your mother was just as rude," he replies back, his deep voice sent unwanted shivers down my spine. I gulp and take a small step back.

Sebastian's face becomes calmer and he takes a step back from me and my fists unclench. I look away from him and Apollo as Sebastian's aura was enough to make me not want to be near him. He was drenched with power.

"Speaking of your mother, she's arriving home soon, she would want to speak to the both of you," he informs us, putting his hands into the pockets of his black khaki trousers.

My breath catches in my front and I look down. "Make sure she's sorted out before Isabelle gets here, she might not be as patient," Sebastian shrugs, before glancing at the both of us once more he then walks out.

Once he's out of sight I turn back to Apollo. "I-i have to leave," I say trying my hardest not to have a full blown panic attack, who knows where I would wake up next.

A.P's eyes widen and he scans the corridors and the walls, he places his index finger to his lips to indicate for me to stop talking. His bright green eyes were laced with worry saying we aren't alone.

"Come with me," he says quietly before he starts to walk down the same corridor i had just come from. I follow him cautiously. I figured when being around him was the safest I was going to get and I had the strange urge to trust him, the desperation in his features practically matched mine.

After passing a few quiet rooms we get to Apollo's room - the one I had woken up in- we both step in and he closes the door quickly behind us. I go to speak again, but he shakes his head frowning, causing his overgrown dark brown hair to fall across his eyes.

"Please don't freak out, I'm going to hug you," Apollo mumbles so quietly I have to strain to listen and before I could react, he wraps his arms around my back pulling me towards him. I bite my lip so I don't let out an un-human squeal. I attempted pull away but his grip on me tightens.

"Stop, there's people watching," he mumbles silently into my right ear,  he says and I stop struggling. "But there's no one else in the room," I whisper back.

"There's a camera above the bed, the tv and above the door frame," A.P replies back, I slowly glance up to the door frame and see he's correct, there was a small black circle, the size of a button stuck on the brown door frame.

"What about the bathroom," I say wrapping my arm around his back, if someone was watching us and it made A.P worried I had to worry too.

"Audio recording," he mutters back tensing slightly.

"They don't trust me, that's why we have to wait awhile before we escape, I'm sorry," Apollo breaths, he lets go if me but keeps a grip on my upper arms.

He glances down at me sadly, warning me not to freak out. We stare at each other for a little longer and I attempt to calm my breaths.

A harsh knock on his bedroom door causes Apollo to flinch and let go of me suddenly. He looks away from me and curses as if he was telling himself off, then gives me a warning glance before turning and opening his bedroom door slowly.
On the other side stands the same woman I saw yesterday, Apollo's mother, Isabelle.

"Isabelle-" he starts, but is cut off by his mother suddenly reaching out and slapping the back of his head causing me to glance at her startled but slightly amused.

"I am your mother" she warns glaring at him, he mumbles something under his breath and rubs the back on his head.

"Don't you start with that mumbling bullshit Apollo," she curses then pushes past him and walks into the room. Fortunately she avoids looking at me.

She sits down on his freshly made bed and stares up at the both of us, "Where have you been all this time?" She asks still slightly angry, but sadness seemed to overcome her.

"Brazil then Paris for the first three years then I settled down in Texas," he answers back simply. His mother stands and crosses her arms.

"And the money?" She questions glancing me at me uncomfortably, I heard that Apollo had stolen two million from his parents.

"I probably have two hundred grand left," he answers taking a step back, causing Isabelle to take a step closer.

"You'll have to earn that money back," she says calmly, his mother then turns to me crossing her arms as she examines me with her large brown eyes.

"How did you meet her?" Isabelle questions.

"The shop I had, she worked for me," A.P answers, staring at his mother questionably.

"Mnh" she mumbles, before running a hand through her dark brown hair. Her lips tighten.

"You know the options your father has, kill or work for us" she reminds Apollo.

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