Chapter 6 ~ Fear

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Chapter 6 ~ Fear

Hiya, hope you're enjoying the story! Sorry for the delayed updates. I'm going to try to update every other day and I'll continue to edit my chapters. Please leave helpful notes on spelling and grammar mistakes! It would help a lot.

I also have changed my main characters names;

Blue Leia Carlos is now River Blue Santos - played by Nicole Zaria.

Jacob Cartel Phoenix is now A.P (Apollo) Cartel Phoenix  - Lucas Medeiros

Chapter 6 ~ Fear

Hot burning fear consumed me as sprinted bare foot down the corridor of the cheap motel. A.P a few steps in front of me with a gun firmly in his grasp. We didn't know if a group of people that are trying to kill us would appear

"I-I can't" I gasp breathlessly stopping mid-sprint. I hold my stomach and take deep breaths trying to calm myself.  A.P stops abruptly and turns back around with panic clear on his face.

"What the fuck are you doing come on!" He yells pointing to the direction we were running in. "But I-i can't" I breath shaking my head, he lets out a huff but jogs over to me, annoyance clear in his behaviour as his arms slap to his sides.

"Im not going to let anything happen to you okay? But we have to get out of here" he says quickly. He places his hand on my cheek gently but I flinch away, unaware of his actions.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have..." he starts, retracting his hand away from my face and takes a step back.

"...but we really need to leave."

"Yeah, okay" I reply awkwardly knowing if I said anything about me flinching away it would only start an overflow of a story I didn't want to and didn't have to share with him or anyone.
Plus the men that are after us would have murdered us before I would've finished.

"Okay stay behind me. Remember to duck when I tell you to." He whispers scratching the back of his head with the 45 magnum, like it wasn't loaded with the safety off. I nod in reply.

I look to A.P in panic, it wasn't clear were the footsteps were coming from because it sounded like they were coming from everywhere.

"Okay but-" I start but he cuts me off rudely.

"Shut up" he hushes and I look up at him shocked.

"Don't talk to me like-"

"Shut up" he repeats putting a finger to his pink lips as if I were a child, but then I heard it, the chorus of footsteps marching towards us.

"We have to run" A.P grimaces staring at me with wide eyes, he checks the gun is loaded before he looks at me again to agree with him. "N-no listen, it's coming from both sides" I disagree looking at the empty corridors.

"Mom" A.P breaths jerking away from me he looks the left to right a few times confused, he then glances back at me.

"There's going to be a shoot out and we need to take cover" he realises, A.P grabs my hand, I let out a yelp as we dash down the right side of the corridor.

"We got to get in one of these rooms to take cover" He lets go of my hand and jiggles a door knob to one of the rooms when it doesn't budge he steps back and aims his gun at it.

"Cover your eyes" he orders, I place with one hand over each eye as I assume he's about to shoot the lock open but moments later I hear nothing but silence making me I remove my hands from my face.

I look up at him confused and find that his gun and gaze is no longer at the door knob but down the corridor to my right.

"Apollo" A feminine voice grits out and my head snaps in the direction that the voice had  from.

"Mother" A.P replies back smirking alittle. A woman who looks like she's in her late thirties stands in the middle of the corridor. She places right her hand onto her hip then leans most of her body weight to one of her legs showing attitude. Her large brown eyes glance to me then back at her son.

"There's people here to kill us" He informs motioning to me then behind us.

"We've killed them. Is that all you have to say to me?!" She yells suddenly and I jump back. They don't notice and A.P gulps. She takes her hand off from her hip and I notice the a gun holstered to her waist.

She has clear olive skin with a scar placed neatly above her eyebrow and straightened dark brown hair that reaches her hips.

"Hm...thanks?" He shrugs and she takes something out of her back of her pocket and throws it at him aggressively it hits directly on his forehead and he stumbles back, I looks to the ground to see what it is.

"You threw Meadows asthma inhaler at me?" He questions shocked as he picks it up from the ground.

"And you stole a million dollars from our family then left us."

"Wait, what?" I question finally getting over the shock of the situation. First we were about to be murdered by men after A.P but then he's mother comes in saving the day and our lives.

"Exactly, Santos we should leave"

"Santos? As in River Santos?" His mother questions and my eyes widen as I look at her.

"Yes, but how do you know me?" I answer back and she smiles at me politely.

"I knew your boyfriend, Mark? I'm sorry for your loss" she says but her voice slows at his name at its name.

"W-w-what" I stutter and start to take a few steps backwards. I feel panic as I start to look frantically up and down the corridors searching for signs of that monster.

"You knew Mark? Is-is he here?" I panic, I feel my eyes become watery and to stop myself from screaming I slap my hand across my mouth.

"No? He died four weeks ago" she tells me confused. My knees become weak and I drop to the ground breathing heavily. I clutch my chest and I remember I'm wearing nothing but A.P'shirt and my underwear.

"What's wrong with her?" A.Ps mother questions as he drops to the ground with me.
"She's having a panic attack."

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