( SEVEN. love sick puppy )

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             The countdown had begun in Lexi's head as she carefully choreographed her plan of revenge

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     The countdown had begun in Lexi's head as she carefully choreographed her plan of revenge. Chuck Clayton was going to burn because when it came to vengeance Lexi Hale was a savage.

          Of course, her original plan, the one she still preferred, was to beat him up with a baseball bat covered in barbwire. But Jason told her, he wasn't getting arrested for being her accomplice in a murder. Instead he gave her a new, less violent revenge plan.

          The ocean of students seemed to sense her borderline psychotic confidence as she marched down the halls of Riverdale High with intent to harm. Her feet led her to Jason's locker, the owner of said locker looked to the side to glance at her before turning back to end his conversation with Polly Cooper.

          The blonde quickly caught sight of Lexi and scampered away in what looked like fear. Lexi rose an eyebrow at the weird interaction and looked to Jason for an answer. "What were you doing talking to Polly Cooper? I've never seen you two speak before."

          Jason heaved his school bag over his shoulder and shut his locker before grinning wildly at Lexi making her think that he was on drugs for just a second but she dismissed the idea as nothing but nonsense. "Nothing. I mean, this was actually the first time I've talked to her but she seems—"

          "Oh my god. You're already in love with her." Lexi rolled her eyes, "Look at you, you're like a lovesick puppy after one conversation."

          "She's different." Jason answered with an even larger grin.

          Lexa groaned, "That's what they all say."

          "What? It's true," he shrugged, still grinning. "What's up anyway?"

          Lexi thought for a second. Normally she didn't tend to feel guilty, it was a specialty she acquired through years of tormenting people who dared get in her way. But as she stood beside her best friend looking him in the eye, a single sliver of guilt clawed at her ice sculpted heart.

          She had kissed his sister last night and she had yet to tell him where her lips had been. "JJ!" A voice called and the two snapped their eyes to Jason's other half.

          Lexi felt her breath get caught in her throat as Cheryl walked up to the pair with a frown which she expertly concealed with a false smile. "Lexi, I didn't see you."

          For once the brunette was speechless. As much as she hated to admit, her feelings were slowly growing from a playful flirt to cold hard feelings for the redhead — feelings that would be her downfall. She hated that she cared about Cheryl.

          Instead of addressing Cheryl, Lexi turned back to Jason with a smirk as fake as the smile on Cheryl's face. "I need you to repay me that favour you owe me. You know the plan. Lunchtime, the court yard — don't be late."

          And with that she marched away and ran from her problems as per usual. Though she was never confess to it, she was a runner not a fighter.

She ran from her problems and avoided them like quick fire, instead of confronting the issue head on. It was what she done when her parents die, she ran off and refused to take her head out of the clouds to grieve for them. It was what she done when Chuck went missing from time to time and she was left with some poor ass excuse as to where he went. Instead she chose to go out and drink till she forgot.

          Jason raised an eyebrow at her strange behaviour and turned back from watching her hurry away just in time for Cheryl to wipe the confused frown off her face. "Did you see her at the party last night? I couldn't find her..."

          Anger shot through Cheryl as she realised Lexi was just going to ignore the kiss and pretend it never happened so she shook her head, "I don't believe I did. Maybe you should ask her where she disappeared to, probably ended up hooking up with one of the football players. I mean it's no secret that she gets around."

          Jason frowned in confusion. As far as he knew Lexi and Cheryl had never really spoken with one another despite Lexi being so close to Jason. All the times she came over to the house, Cheryl was either held up in her room with Tina and Ginger or out at Pops. He actually found it strange how little they encountered each other especially since they were both River Vixens. But he heard his twin's bitter words clear as day, making him wonder when they had fallen on bad terms with each other.

          "Lexi isn't like that—"

          "I don't know, JJ. Okay? Go and ask her yourself." Cheryl huffed and stormed away in the opposite direction that Lexi had went.

          The red haired boy was left in complete and utter perplexity at the two girls' strange behaviour. He looked up and down the corridor where both had disappeared and tried to piece together the barely there pieces. In the end he shrugged it off, thinking it was just better to assume they were both on their time of the month rather than figure out the real teenage girl drama behind their complicated attitudes.

𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒       cheryl blossomWhere stories live. Discover now