The new me

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Hayden's POV

I got the kids into the car and started driving them to school.

They watched TV on the iPad that Christian had given me.

As the three of them sat and watched I smiled.

I was actually happy that I was able to make them happy.

I made it to the school that all three of them went too right next to mine and dropped them off.

Juliette kissed me goodbye as I took her to her class and the twins kissed me goodbye as I took them to there's.

I hopped back into my jeep and drove the rest of the way to school.

I entered the doors and there they were, my bitches!!

Alex, Red, Dylan and Kevin.

I walked over to them and we walked in a group down the hallway. I made it to my locker and got a little emotional seeing Shawn's.

As I got my books I saw something that I had never seen before.

In the corner of my locker there was a small piece of paper.

It was folded really small.

I opened it and it said

"Dear my everything,

Hayden you make me so happy. When I first saw you in the airport I just wanted you to be mine. More than anything. And when I figured out that day that we were neighbors I was so filled with joy.

Hayden no matter what shit your going through right now just know that I love you.

Forever and Always,


I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and put the little piece of paper in my pocket.

Kevin saw the sadness in my eyes and said "Hayden what's wrong boo?" I just shook my head and said "I'm fine always will be always have been."

He nodded and the 5 of us walked to class.

When we entered there was a new boy. He was cute.

"What are you saying Hayden take that thought back!" I thought to myself.

I sat in the back like I usually do and my posse followed me there.

The new boy sat in front of me and I noticed he had a New York City jersey on.

A New Yorker.

Hopeful SMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang