Chapter 9: Birthday time! (And a satisfying Saturday)

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Aaaaaahhh... I yawned on a Saturday morning. I don't normally wake up this early on Saturdays. But something special was stopping me from sleep. Ding, Ring, Ding, Ring. I looked at my catphone and saw it was buzzing. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pawton Pretty Pals Chat

Veronica Richmond: Hi! Everyone, I think my new perfume has problems, because I am allergic to it!

Pusheen Donutpaw: That sems to be a prblem. You shud see what is in tht prefume bfre yu by it.

Veronica Richmond: What!? What!? What!? Did you say?!


I suddenly saw that I typed almost everything wrong! So I quickly texted what I wrote back again.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pawton Pretty Pals Chat

Veronica Richmond: What!? What!? What!? Did you say?!

Pusheen Donutpaw: That seems to be a ploblem. You shout see what is in that perfume bfore u by it.

Veronica Richmond: This is better, but please get better with your spelling.


 I was embarrassed that Veronica told me to be better at spelling, because I always get 100% on my spelling tests! No-one told me my spelling was bad. It's just that I'm just sleepy...zzzzZZZZZZ...

I was surprised that I couldn't fall asleep, I am lazy and I can sleep at any time! But something I couldn't quite get my paws on...

Stormy jumped onto my bed, and landed on my big fat tummy.

"Did you remember that today it's your birthday?!"

I thought Oh, that's what I couldn't quite get my paws on!

Stormy got off my tummy and on the bedside.

"Well, c'mon! Mom says we're going to Seaplex Mall to eat lunch and oh, right, you missed breakfast."

I suddenly sat bolt upright.

"I missed breakfast?! What time is it?!" I yelled.

Stormy covered her ears with her paws

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Well, it's 12:15 and if we don't go to Seaplex now then we'll miss lunch because that place where we're going to eat has lots of people lining up!" Stormy got off my bed. I noticed that she was already wearing her Seaplex tee and wearing her lucky starfish shoes."

I sat up and changed to the exact same outfit.

"Let's go!" I exclaimed happily.

We went to Seaplex Mall to eat lunch.

Mum asked,

"Pusheen, what do you want to eat, since it is your birthday."

"Everything!" I joked, "But I really want to eat the whole world!"

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