Chapter 10: Prom shoppin' at Prom Pawz.

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"Alright, you girls need to be home by four cause don't forget you have a birthday party, Pewzers!" Dad reminded me.

I smiled.

"I won't forget!"

Then me and Stormy headed off in different directions.



Pusheen Donutpaw: Don't forget to text me if u need help!


Then, my phone buzzed. Oh, does Stormy need help already?! I thought. But it wasn't Stormy... someone, I don't know who, invited me to a Chatsapp chat... I opened my phone.



Pusheen Donutpaw: Umm, who are you?!

???: I'm the time waster, and I just wasted your time! HAHHAHAHAHA! :P #TROLLEO

???: I'm the time waster, and I just wasted your time! HAHHAHAHAHA! :P #TROLLEO

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OMG! I couldn't believe someone wasted my time! It was 3:00 and I only had 1 hour left! I dashed towards the prom clothing store, Prom Pawz, as fast as I could.

I chose a glam matching outfit! It looked like this:

I chose a glam matching outfit! It looked like this:

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Pusheen's 5 weeks Book 1 - Week 1Where stories live. Discover now