[1] Preparations

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Melody POV
Dress shopping. Again. Why am I invited to this, anyway? Everyone knows I'm not going to be picked.

"Mummums," I huffed.

"Yes, Mel?" She asked with a frown. She doesn't like being called grandma; just like I hate shopping.

"Don't get me a foofy dress," I frowned. I pulled her away from the busy section of the store, where every girl in my division was shopping for a dress. Well, is it shopping if it's free?

"Hun, you're meeting royalty! You have to wear a pretty dress!"

"Pretty dresses don't have to be foofy," I pointed out.

"Yes, but it is proper to wear that sort of dress in front of royalty! The flyers set guidelines for clothing."

"Fine, grandma," I huffed and crossed my arms.

We weaved in and out of the girls, who were fighting over dresses, and I stopped when I saw a dress that was actually kind of pretty...for a dress. It was black with small white sequins on the top. Its spaghetti straps tied on the back of the neck, and there was lace from the shoulder blades to the lower back. It wasn't near as poofy as the other dresses (in fact, it was hardly poofy at all), and it stopped three inches below the knee. The top was figure fitting, and it was just my style.

"Mom! Can we get that one?" I tugged on her sleeve. She turned around, and she studied the dress carefully.

"Well, it doesn't violate any rules, but don't you think it's a lot less...inviting and charming than the others?"

"I'm not settling for any other dress. Besides, I won't be noticed, anyway," I rolled my eyes.

Mummums eventually sighed and gave in. We walked to the cashier, and he nodded before sending us on our way. "Do we need anything else?"

"No. We have the dress, shoes, and haircut, and I am NOT wearing any makeup or hats," I informed her.

"You know, half the things you refuse to wear would look grand on you," Mummums sighed. "You know, our division is the last to be met with. You have a strong chance."

"Hey, there are only fifty other girls that could be picked. I have a pretty good 2% chance!" I sarcastically exclaimed at the top of my lungs, causing a few horses to whinny in alarm. A couple people glanced at me in surprise before resuming their day.

"Melody Aleece! You are a very pretty young lady, and I have a good feeling about this," Mummums scolded me. I gave no acknowledgement, and the rest of the walk home (if I have the right to call it home without a biological mother or father) was silent between us.

Mummums handed me the disgusting article of clothing, and I ran up to my room. As soon as I closed the door, I laid face down on my bed, and I cried into my pillow.

"Oh, mum," I wept, "What am I to do, now?" I poured all of my fears into my pillow. "What if I am chosen? No one has seen the castle! What if it's a dungeon, and I'm just a sex slave? What if the prince is an ugly ogre and I become his slave? What if he's a jerk to me?"

Prince POV
"Mother!" I whined. "Stop. What if none of them are right?"

"You stop that! This is the last division, so the girl must be coming tomorrow!" Mother scolded me. She called for a relaxing spa treatment, and I was sent to relax (ha! relax?) in a hot tub while my suit was sent to be cleaned and ironed.

I got comfortable in the hot tub, stretching my long legs. I laid my head against the edge of the tub, and I heard one of my best friends behind me.

"Ashton, I'm scared," I sighed. I told him to join me in the hot tub, and he returned seconds later in swimming trunks.

"Listen, your highness-"

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?!" I growled.

"Woah, I'm sorry, mate," he rested a large hand on my shoulder, and I instantly calmed down. "Bro, spill the beans. You're supposed to be relaxing."

"What if she doesn't like me? Mum's right. She has to be coming tomorrow."

"Listen, you are one of the kindest people I know. Coming from someone living in a kingdom of pure hearted people..." he grinned at me, and his dimples dented his cheeks. "She's going to love you. It's fated to be that way."

"I know, but what if it's wrong?"

"Mate, have I ever been wrong?" He looked at me knowingly.

"Once," I started, and his hazel eyes squinted. "When you got drunk off your butt."

"That was one time, man. Never again," he blushed.

I chuckled. I felt better for a few minutes before I felt a heavy pang of sadness come from nowhere. I bowed my head, and a tear fell into the water.

"Is it her?" Ashton asked, once again correct. Sometimes I wished I could read minds to see how he does it.

"Must be," I nodded. "I wish I could heal her pain. I wish I could stop it."

"Soon, mate, soon."

Melody POV
My alarm clock woke me up two hours before the meeting was supposed to start. I sat up in my bed groggily, and I snatched the dress between my index finger and thumb in disgust. I can't believe I have to wear a dress. Not to mention, I have to look nice.

I always wear jeans, shorts, or leggings with a T-shirt, hoodie, or flannel. My hair is either down or in a ponytail. Today, though, OH NO you just CAN'T be casual. HEAVEN FORBID BEING CASUAL! You have to dress nicely, like a princess! I groaned as I put on the dress and looked in the mirror.

Okay, I know I said I liked the dress, but I didn't say I liked how I look in it. Black is supposed to be slimming, but it makes me look like a pregnant cow. Okay, heads up, I'm anorexic. You can see my ribs and shit, but I still don't think I'm skinny enough. This dress doesn't help my self esteem.

Suddenly, I felt sick to my stomach. I bent over the toilet, and I threw up the little amount of food in my system. Soon, only stomach acid was left. When I finally finished, I wiped my mouth with toilet paper, and I flushed the toilet. I hadn't gotten any vomit on my dress, but I still had to use mouthwash to hide the smell of vomit left in my mouth.

I felt my forehead, but I felt no fever. It's probably just my anxiety making my nerves act up. I sighed and brushed my wavy black hair. I looked at my grey eyes, and I rolled them in disgust of my appearance.

"You'll look great!" They said.

Sure. In your dreams.

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