(12) Gym

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"Say, Ashton," I looked up at him, and he rested his muscular arm around my shoulder.

"Yes?" He was walking me around the second floor of the castle to show me where Calum and Michael's rooms were.

"Do you guys have a gym or like a big empty room with a high ceiling?" I asked him.

"Well, come to think of it, yeah, we might have a couple. Why?"

"I was in the school's color and winter guards, and I brought my things with me. I wanted to know where I could practice or blow off some steam," I explained.

"That sounds really neat," Ashton smiled at me, his large dimples denting his cheeks, and I blushed.

"One more question."

"Ask away, Mel," Ashton patted my shoulder.

"Do you have any guard tape?"

"Guard tape?" Ashton cocked his head to the side.

"Oh, sorry, I mean electrical tape. We call it guard tape because we use it for practically all our flags and weapons," I corrected myself.

"Oh, yeah, I think I have some. I can bring it up to your room later," Ashton offered. "OOH, you could teach me how to tape flags and stuff!" He squealed and jumped like a little kid, and I busted out laughing. "Could you teach me a few things? I love learning new stuff."

I caught my breath, and I giggled, "Yeah, of course! Guard is really fun, and I'd love to teach you a few things."

"Hey, does it matter what color the tape is? I think I have black, white, golden yellow, blue, and green."

"Oh, wow. I didn't know they made so many colors! I think I'd like to see them all before I decide. We've only ever used either black or white," I grinned.

"Ooh, Black or White is a Michael Jackson song!" Ashton giggled.

"Michael Jackson? I think I remember that name from somewhere," I pondered. "Name off a few songs."

"Well, you've got Beat It, Thriller, Don't Stop Till You Get Enough, Bad, Smooth Criminal, You Are Not Alone-"

"That's it! You Are Not Alone is the song Dad used to play for me on guitar when I came to listen to him practicing," I smiled sadly.

"Oh, do you play guitar, too?" Ashton asked curiously. "Me, Luke, Calum, and Michael all know how to play."

"Yeah, I play guitar. You all play any other instruments?"

"Well, don't laugh, but we do have a band. I play drums, Calum plays bass, Luke plays guitar, and Michael plays guitar with Luke. We all sing, too," Ashton told me proudly.

"Really? You guys should play for me sometime. I mean, after Luke gets better, but music is a big part in my life," I smiled.

"Really? Me, too! Do you sing?" Ashton beamed.

"I mean I can, but I'm not really the best," I shrugged.

Ashton and I both turned to our right to see Calum yawning and opening his door. "Oh, hey, Mel," he greeted tiredly. "How are you today?"

"Tired and still pissy, but Ashton has been showing me around," I responded.

"Good. Ashton's a mood lifting unicorn, so hopefully you feel better later," Calum smiled. "Can I join you all? I need to stretch my legs, anyway."

"Sure!" I smiled, and Calum walked over to me. "I was just going to teach Ashton about colorguard later."

"Colorguard?" Calum asked. "Explain on the way. Michael's still a sleeping log, so we'll bother with him later."

"Dang, I wanted to meet him," I pouted.

"We'll meet him later," Ashton assured me. "I'll bring him with me when I bring the tape over."

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