(18) Emotion

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Melody POV
I woke up with a yawn, and I stretched my long limbs. I was happy for a moment before my heart began to burn as I remembered the events that took place yesterday. He just ran off!

Okay, I know I'm not the most beautiful or kindly girl in this village, but he could let me down more easily than that! Then again, why would he pick me if he didn't like me?! Is he seeing another girl? That would explain why he would run off like that so often, claiming to be sick!

I clenched my fists and my jaw in outrage. WHY DOESN'T HE JUST TELL ME?! I already knew he probably didn't like me anyway, so it wouldn't be so traumatizing.

I really want to throw some knives right now. It would also help to throw some rifle, sabre, or flag, too.

However, I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed. I felt sick. The room spun, and I felt my forehead. It wasn't burning, though. I huffed and rolled my eyes. I must be worrying myself sick again.

As I came to that realization, I suddenly felt better. I sat up, and I swung my toes over the edge of the bed. Cold air sliced my toes, but it felt incredible in contrast to the burning hot blankets. I stepped down onto the cool, soft carpet, and I sighed as I stretched again.

I walked calmly over to my guard bag, and I slipped my box of sharp throwing knives into a large side pocket. I slung the bag over my shoulder, and I opened the door of my room. I stepped into the cold hallway, and I turned to walk towards the gym.

The castle was eerily quiet, and it gave me a bad vibe. I felt as if I wasn't supposed to be in the hall, but I shrugged off the feeling and kept walking quietly along the halls. It felt like forever before I reached the large redwood doors of the training room. I opened the large doors with tremendous effort.

How do the guys open these doors so easily? I pondered this for a minute, and I took out my box of throwing knives. I flipped up the lock on the heavy metal box, and I took one of the sharp instruments out. I spun it between my fingers for a second before looking up at a large dummy.

I took a breath, and I sharply exhaled as the blade left my hand. I struck it between the eyes, and I pumped the air with my fist. I took out another knife, and I threw it harder than the last knife, trying to get it stuck farther in the dummy. It struck it where the heart would be located, and only the handle was visibly sticking out from the figure.

I smiled to myself. I continued throwing knives at everything from regular targets and dummies to small cans. I hit most of them with keen accuracy, and I popped my fingers after I placed the sharp metal knives back into their case. I slipped it into the bag again, and I pursed my lips as I took out my wooden rifle from the long black bag. I slipped on my black guard gloves, and I began to spin the rifle.

My eyebrows furrowed, and my lips formed a frown as I began to zone out and think.

My dream last night was awfully weird. I was sitting on my windowsill reading a new book I had borrowed from the library. It smelled amazing with its freshly printed pages. I would constantly stop my reading to take a moment to smell the book's pages before continuing my adventures.

I yawned as I began to grow drowsy, and I put a bookmark between the thin pages. I placed the book softly on my bedside table, and I rubbed the back of my neck.

I was hungry, but I didn't know exactly where the kitchen was. I shrugged, and I decided to have a fun time looking around the castle. If I got lost, I could just retrace my steps back here to find Ashton. I walked slowly towards the door, but I stopped abruptly as I heard screaming coming from down the hall.

It was coming from Luke's room! What the hell is going on in there? It sounds like he's getting murdered!

The screaming continued for ages, and I bit my lip nervously. I didn't know what to do. Should I see what the matter is and get killed, too? Should I sit here and pretend like I'm not hearing anything?

The screaming stopped abruptly, and I hesitated to continue walking to the door. I gingerly pushed the door open, and I took a couple weary steps into the hall.

I turned my head to see Ashton running from Luke's room. He skidded to a halt with a look of panic in his eyes, and I looked at him in confusion.

All of a sudden, he pushed me into my room, throwing me onto my bed. I was caught off guard by his bold movements.

"HEY! What're you-"

"Sleep," he commanded, and his hazel eyes turned into yellow rings. I instantly lost consciousness, and I woke up in my bed moments after hearing his last commands echoing in my ears.

"Forget about this encounter, and don't leave your room until one of the boys comes to get you. Until then, feel too ill to go out of your room."

I stopped spinning my rifle abruptly with a sharp POP. I began to throw and catch it as my thoughts wondered again.

Why is Luke acting so weirdly? Is he really that sick, or is he just avoiding me? Ashton told me Luke didn't know how to handle me, but ignoring and avoiding me certainly is not a good way to do that. It just pisses me off!

I threw the rifle the highest I have ever before in anger.

I'm just about to march into his room and settle this here and now. My chest tightened, and I felt as if it was going to combust. I can't take this bullshit from anyone.

Everyone around here is acting off lately, too. Ashton is hesitant and withdrawn and unhappy. I haven't seen Calum anywhere, but when I catch a glimpse, he disappears around a corner in a rush. Michael still interacts with me, but he's very distracted and dull the whole time. They all seem to be anticipating something, and it worries me.

I stood still with my rifle propped against my hip, and I rolled my eyes. I should have brought music. Spinning flag is so much easier and more entertaining with music to improvise to.

My rifle fell to the ground with a loud clacking noise, and I jumped back before it hit my toe. That shit hurts.

"Melody?!" A surprised voice sounded behind me. I whipped around to see a black feather fall to the floor behind a tall boy.

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