(27) Surprises

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"Ashton, what the fuck are you doing?!" Luke yelled, his fangs lengthening in alarm as his eyes turned blacker than tar.

"Trust me, Luke, you are not what you think," Ashton approached Luke with my knives, specifically the ones to kill immortals, demons, and angels. "Mel, please help me with this. Trust me."

"I-I don't know, Ashton. This is dangerous," I shook my head uncertainly. I gripped Luke's cold hand in fear, and we both tightened our viper-like grip until I felt the blood flow cut off from my fingers. Luke tensed up, growling to warn Ashton to back off.

"You know that can kill me in an instant," an alarmed hiss sounded from Luke's throat.

"Listen to me, I collected a tear from you when you were about to attack Mike, Calum, and I that one time. You aren't just a vampire like we thought you were. You're also part angel, from your Dad."

Luke froze. "My . . . Dad?"

"Let me see your hand," Ashton demanded, and Luke hesitated before doing so. Ashton cut open Luke's palm with the demon knife only for it to heal over without any blood. He did the same with the rest of the knives he brought, only for them to do the same, no insinuation of pain coming from Luke.

"What the hell?" he muttered, looking at the knives. "Are you trying to pull something?"

"No, you're not completely demon," Ashton said matter-of-factly. "I'm not sure what, but you have something that cancels out your vampiric and demon genes. I won't know for sure until it shows itself."

"Shows itself?" Luke's voice shook.

"I mean it should show near the end of that mating process my sister told you about-"

"I still have no idea what that is," I spoke up nervously, and Luke blushed. "What the hell is the 'process'?"

"I'll tell you later," he fidgeted with his fingers.

"Luke!" Calum called from the door, and I whipped around to smile at him. "Hey, Mel! I'm alive. Luke, your mom wants to speak to you."

"Oh, fuck," Luke mumbled. "I hope it isn't what I think it is."

"Me, too," Ashton chimed in, and Luke huffed.

"Stop reading my thoughts!" He whined. 

"I can't help it," Ashton laughed, pushing Luke forward, causing him to tug on my arm. "Go see your mommy. Calum and I can handle Mel for a while. Oh, but take these knives to her room real quick because Calum can't be around them for long, either," Ashton pushed my knives at Luke, who pouted before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I'll see you in a little bit."

He sped out of the room, and I gave Calum a quick hug. "I'm so glad you're alright," I beamed, and he chuckled.

"It takes more than that to kill me," Cal puffed out his chest.

I rolled my eyes, "yeah, yeah, you're hot shit, Cal. How are you feeling?"

Calum chuckled. "I'm fine, Melody. Just a little tired, but some food and exercise should help out just fine."

"I mean, I just ate with Luke, but I'd be willing to go with you if you wanted something from the kitchen," I shrugged. Calum agreed, and we went to the kitchen.

Lillian greeted us with a smile, like usual, and Ashton's face turned red when he saw she had her wings out. "Like what you see, mop head?" She winked at Ashton. He just cleared his throat and sat at the table. I swear I saw her blush, but only for a fraction of a second.

"You need to ask her out, Ashton!" I whispered as she walked away, but he sadly shook his head.

"It wouldn't work out," he sighed.

"Why not?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"It just wouldn't. Her race of pixie hates my kind. They'd never give her peace for it, and I don't want to put her through that. Besides, she doesn't like me like that," he explained quickly.

"How do you know that? I saw her blush when she looked at you," I inquired further.

"Because I've never read anything like that from her. Your eyes must have played a trick on you."

"I know what I saw, and I know how people act when they have feelings for another. Being supernatural wouldn't change that. Besides, how would you know if she has a mental block keeping you from reading those thoughts?" I raised an eyebrow, but Ashton remained silent this time. I saw him look at Cal, who shrugged and nodded, and I knew I got him thinking. "What other chances do you have in this damn castle," I mumbled, and I knew he heard me, though he didn't react.

"Everything okay in here, Ashton?" Lillian put a hand on his tense shoulder, and he put on a front immediately.

"Yeah, we're alright. Just having an emotional conversation," he nodded with a smile. His dimples didn't show, and I knew Lillian noticed.

She shook her head, "Ash, you know I can tell when you're lying, and I can sense your feelings." She gave him a weird look, and Ashton's eyes widened. "Come see me later, hun." She put their food down and walked away, and Ash blushed. Calum and I smiled at each other, satisfied.

"Hope you're happy," Ashton sighed, starting to eat his steak.

"We are, mate. We definitely are," Calum chuckled through the food in his mouth.

A few minutes of talking nonsense passed before I felt a presence behind me, and I turned around to see Luke sliding a chair behind my stool. "Hello, Mel," he smiled softly. He sat with his legs open, and I leaned back into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and a smile formed on my face.

"Hello, Luke," I looked up at him. I placed my hands on his large hand, and he interlaced our fingers.

"You wanna head back to my room after this?" He asked with pleading blue eyes.

"Yeah, why not?" I smiled, and he kissed my forehead.

"You guys are fuckin gross," Calum shuddered. Ashton kept his eyes on his food. I gave Luke a look to say 'don't ask', and he shrugged in understanding.

The rest of lunch was full of stupid jokes between Cal and Luke, but Ashton was deep in thought. He took out his diary - sorry, 'observation journal' - a few times to scribble in it. When both of the guys were done eating, Luke and I headed to his room.

He closed the door behind us, and I flopped on his bed. Luke laid down beside me and pulled me tightly into his muscular chest. I snuggled my face in the crook of his neck, and my face heated up in a blush.

He removed one hand from my back to run it over his face, taking a deep breath, and he hugged me tighter.

"Can I move into your room?" I asked, lifting my head out of his neck to look at his face.

A smile brighter than the sun spread across his perfectly chiseled face, and his eyes practically glowed green. "Yes! Of course you can, Melody!" Something about him saying my full name instead of Mel sent chills up my arms and back. "You can move in anytime you want to, but first you might want to hear the rest of the mating process in case it makes you want to wait longer."

I nodded, and we sat up as he started to explain what he learned in Australia.

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