🌸Only Online - The Meeting🌸

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Sasuke walked through the dark forest that was known as the Forest of Death for a reason. He was already ambushed by more spawns than he can keep track of and he'd already depleted five potions.

"Why here of all the places..." Sasuke scratched the back of his neck as he stepped over tree roots that stuck up from the ground. He dove into the game about an hour earlier, and during that hour, he'd been walking through this forest looking for Crystalee, "I swear, once I find her..."

There was suddenly the sound of leaves rustling as the strong wind blew through the forest. Sasuke pulled out his sword instinctively and looked around cautiously, "anyone out there?"

He called, no one responded.

The wind blew through again, only this time, there were cherry blossom petals, "cherry blossoms? In a forest like this?" He didn't expect to find any cherry blossom trees in a dark and deadly forest like this one, but sure enough, he walked into a small clearing, and there, at the heart of the forest, was a giant cherry blossom tree, "holy crap..."

"It's pretty, isn't it?"

Sasuke jumped and turned around, drawing his sword, but stopped when he saw a girl with pink hair, "h-hey..."


That voice. "Yeah. You're Crystalee?"

"Mhm! Nice to finally  meet you!" The girl grinned happily and nodded. She was excited and cute. It was hard for Sasuke to believe that she was actually older than him.

"Well, your name really matches your hair. Is that the color in the game or also in the real world?"

"This is really my hair color, which is why I was named what I was named." Crystalee stroked her short pastel hair, then looked up at him, "well, you definitely look the same way you look in real life! That's nice! I thought you looked really handsome in real life, to be honest."

Sasuke blushed at her remark, then turned his head and cleared his throat, "yeah..."

"So anyways, if you made it as far as you did, you must be one of the strongest players in the game!"

Sasuke sighed and sat down underneath the cherry blossom tree, "yeah, well, one of them. The strongest has to be the one that cleared the game. That's obviously not me." He chuckled.

"That's a good point." Crystalee nodded, "any idea who it is?"

"No." Sasuke leaned his head back and shut his eyes, "but I'd really give anything to meet him in person."

"Hm..." Crystalee tapped her chin, "how do you know it's a guy?"

"I dunno." He shrugged, "I just don't assume a lot of girls played the game before it was cleared and became a huge hit." They were silent until he heard her walk to stand over him.

"You're looking at him."

Sasuke's eyes opened wide, "wait, what?"

Crystalee smiled and held up a victory sign with her index and middle fingers, "I'm the one who cleared the game."

He stood up and grabbed at the tree behind him for support, "you're kidding! I had..."

"How could I not have cleared the game if I left that crystal on that level in the first place? I mean, like I said, anyone able to clear that level has to be a great player, like myself!"

Sasuke stared into her emerald green eyes and saw the wonder she held in them. She clearly had high respects for him, even though she was able to clear the entire game, "I'm not that great... I mean, that's coming from the player that defeated the boss on the top level."

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