You Can't Leave Me Now

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Arthour POV

I woke up in a soft, blue chair in a closed room. I got up and rubbed my head. It looked like those plain rooms from the TV shows. I opened the door and walked out. I saw Sophie, sleep in a bed. I looked through the door window. She looked back. She wasn't sleep. She had beautiful ocean blue eyes. I open the door. She smiled at me.

Sophie POV

He gave me a smile too. He sat in the chair next to the bed.

"Hey Sophie."


The door opened. It was a doctor.

"Oh Arthour honey, you was in a different room, yes." 

"Yeah, why?"

"Well um... I'm Miss. Snow."

"Wait are you Miss. Snow's sister she talks about, right? I said.

"Oh she talks about me. What does she say."

"She said you was a doctor."

"Oh that's nice. Arthour can I talk to you outside." 


"NO! Don't leave me." I screamed.

"It will only be for a second." said Miss. Snow. 

Arthour got up and hugged me. He whispered in my ear..."It will only be for a second." 

"Ok." I didn't want him to go.

Arthour POV

I got up and went to the door, Miss. Snow followed. I closed the door.

"I think its better if you hang around her more. Are you old friends."

"...No I never knew her." 

"Yes the police thi-"

"Hey are you Arthour?" A police officer walked up to me.

"Yes sir." I said quickly.

"We talked to that girl in the room there. She doesn't want you to leave your side. She will do anything for you. Its your reasonability to keep her safe, and keep her from killing people. If you leave her, you and Sophie will have to die."

"Wo, wo, wo sir you cant just-"

"Yes we can." He walked off. Not a word. I looked back in the window. Sophie was looking at me. Just looking at me. Creepy.

"It looks like you have no choice." Miss. Snow gave me a look.

Sophie POV

Arthour opened the door. He ask if I had a phone. I gave him my phone number.

" How do you spell your name."

"Do I have to tell you?"

"Yeah." I gave him a friendly smile.


"Oh." Arthour turned his head.

"This is very unique." He looked up. 

"Your just lieing to make me feel better." he mumbled.

"No I'm not... I love your name." He blushed


Miss. Snow walked in. I didn't even know she walked out.

"Miss. Sophie you can leave... and you too Arthour."

Me and Arthour left.

"How old are you." I asked.


"You go to the highschool right?"

We got to the hotel. He walked me to my room.

"See you later."

"Please don't leave me."

"Um... how about this, I stay until you fall asleep."


I fall asleep fairly fast, but I couldn't sleep. The lights. 

"Are you ok?"

" yeah."

"Tell me."

"... I can't sleep. The lights are really bright." Arthour picked me up layed down and put me on top of him. He was really warm. So warm I fell asleep.   

Arthour POV

I rubbed Sophie's hair. I moved her slowly as I move from under her. I walked out the door. My mom told me I was always warm. I was at my room. I ended up laying down, thinking.

Can I start calling her my girlfriend. I am going to be hanging around her a lot. I might make her feel better or something. I rolled over and watched my eyes close... slowly.

Everything went dark. Nothing to be seen.

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