Magic Mess Up

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It was doing all of this moving in my hand. I wanted to let go, but also wanted to know what was going to happen.

The wand was formed. It had at big yellow flower with some blue glass sphere on top. The handle was stripe with black and yellow.

"Ooooh!" It was so pretty. I swung my wand around in a circle. Some weird lazer thing came out of it. And now the wall was on fire.

"Hey, watch it. Don't go swinging that around." He patted down the wall. There was a burnt mark on the wall.

"Hehe... sorry." I didn't expect that to happen.

"Well you should start your training."


"Well yeah. How else are you going to be able to use your wand?"

Arthour headed to the door. He looked back at me. I walked behind him.

"I sure you have a lot of questions and I'm not answering them." Well fuck you too.
We was outside the Main Hall. This place was full of nature.
We walked to this building. It was smaller than the Main Hall. Way smaller. We walked inside. Does Arthour live here too?

The place was empty. There was some mirrors but that's it.

"Shoot the mirror." He said pointing at a mirror.

"Shoot the mirror. Wouldn't it break?"

"Now that I think about it... you're wrong. Shoot the mirror." I aimed at the mirror.


Nothing happening. I was get kind of nervous.

" Focus." He said. I moved my arm. I could feel my blood rush through it. Everything around me glowed. Then a beam of light shot from the blue sphere. The light went through the mirror but the wand broke.

"Um...was that supposed to happen?"

" it wasn't. I know for sure that Pretty can feel your radiation of magic. It's very powerful. Why would she give you such a weak wand?" I looked like Arthour was thinking hard about it. I was just confused. I don't know what's going on.

"Well try your hands. My hands?

"Um..ok." I put my hand out. My blood rushed to my hand. Everything glowed just like before. A beam of light came but it the floor. I'm kinda disappointed.

"Well, I see why she gave you the wand."
I was confused again. This is alot to take in. Is there a difference between hand magic and wand magic?

"Don't worry. It's all genetics." Oh I thought I did something wrong.

"I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?" I reached out to him. He didn't stop.

"I'm going to ask Pretty to give you a stronger wand. I don't know what she was thinking. If the wand crumbled up that fast, then your more powerful than I expected." He made a portal and left.

The warm environment fell slowly. Why... Why am I alone again. I hated being alone and scared. It was so cold. The darkness was coming for me. The clouds got closer and closer. Everything was a blur.


"Sophie!?" Arthour's voice echoed. I felt his hand on my head. His warmth was soothing. I made out his face. The clouds moved away. It was bright in the room.
Arthour helped me up.

We locked eyes. I stared long and hard. I was pissed. I raised my hand quickly and slapped him.

He looked surprised. I was surprised. I began to cry as I hugged him tightly.

"Why did you take so long? You said you'll be right back." I was crying my eyes out. I felt him wrap his arms around me. He squeeze me tightly.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't leave you alone like that. I'm so sorry." We stayed like that for a while. I stopped crying I let go.

He handed me this glowy ball thing. I didn't know what it was but I grabbed it anyway.

Just like the other one it formed into a wand. It was a little different. It had five black anthers on the outside. Weird. It should be on the inside, but I didn't care. I sparkled in the light.

I tried again. Everything glowed. The beam of light shot out into the mirror. I looked at the wand. It didn't break.

Arthour was clapping.

"So I'm guessing you have light magic." I jumped up and down.

"This is so exciting!" Then I felt something wet. I looked at my wand. It was throwing up water. Water was getting everywhere.

" Um... Arthour. How do I make it stop!?"

"I don't know. I don't need a wand." I dropped the wand and the water stopped.



I picked up my wand. Water didn't come out of it. What a relief.

"Maybe you have element magic. Just maybe. Or you might have multi-magic."

"What's multi-magic?"

"It's were you able to use all magic. I'm element. But the Dark Queen is... no impossible."

"What is it? Is there something wrong?"

"No. I'm going to the bathroom. Don't do anything stupid."

"What makes you think that?"

"Just don't. If I take to long, the bathrooms are around the corner."

"Ok." He left. This is so cool! I spun around and around. Jumping up and down.

Then something shot out of my wand. Is this what Arthour was talking about? Don't do anything stupid...

The beam hit the edge of the mirror and bounce back. It flew across the room and hit the doorknob.

What a coincidence.

I heard a clink sound behind me.

"Ahhh." I felt something hot strike my back. I feel to the floor. I didn't see the beam anymore. Is that what hit me?

My back began to itch where the beam hit me. My skin was crawling. I could feel my nails get deeper and deeper into my skin. Blood ran down my back.

As I was digging in my skin, I Ew. I started to pull the hair out, but there's more. I pulled forever until it stopped. The hair wouldn't come all the way out. I pulled it as hard as I could. It didn't move. I let go of it.
It stayed in the air. I was starting to get freaked out.

Arthour was going to be back any minute now and I have a tail! I got up and tucked my tail under my shirt. It was still cold and bloody.

I walked over to the door. I went to grab the handle, but it opened on it's own.

Oh shit. It's Arthour.He looked behind me.

"What happened here?"

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