Who are you?

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I woke up a Arthour was gone. Where did he go?

Sara was above me. She was really close to my face. 

"Hi!" she said.

I got up and did my daily routine. Me and Sara walked to the bus stop. The awkward silence came back. The bus came and we sat down. I saw Amy  running down the hallway screaming "Akira-kun, Akira-kun!!" It seems like Amy already found new friends.  Then you can hear her scream "hey Shinnosuke!" It's like I'm not there any more. I saw Amy come running to me screaming Sophie. She jumped up on me and gave me a hug.

"Heyyyyyyy Sara!" Amy was still on top of me. We were having little chats while we walk down the hallway. I started to walk slower. Sara and Amy kept walking. I came to a complete stop. Everything stop. I felt like I was being watched. I turned around quickly. It was just Violet.  

"Violet, I almost had a heart attack." She stood there quietly, staring.

"I going to class." It looked like she was gliding across the floor. In the blink of an eye she was gone. She is very creepy. 

The feeling I had wasn't gone. Is someone still watching me? I looked around. Somebody saw me look at them and ran. He blended in with everybody else.  Who was he?

I didn't want that feeling again, so I hurried to class.

I walked in through the doors Amy and Sara looked at me.

"Where have you been?" asked Sara.

"I've had to tie my shoes." I was lying. I wasn't the best liar so she might know I wasn't telling the truth. She looked at me.

"Your lying."

"No  I'm not." 

"Yes you are. You don't even have laces." I looked down I was wearing my flats today. Dammit. 

Miss. Snow walked in the classroom.

"Ok class lets start."

Miss. Snow was talking and talking. I started doodling. I had that feeling again. Everything stopped once more. I looked around. I caught something in the corner of my eye. I looked out the window. I saw him again. Then he ran off, and the feeling was gone. I was glad. I didn't like that feeling. School ended. The day was really short. I was freaking out. I was looking around when Jake came behind me. 

"Hey are you ok? You look-."

"Don't tell anybody this." I was staring at with me eyes bigger than the moon. I waved my hand so he would come closer. He stood there and his face turned red.

"Are you ok?" I asked. He nodded. He didn't come closer so I pulled him by his hair. He struggled but I didn't let go.  

"I think somebody watching me." I whispered. I let go of his hair.

"Why would-." I didn't want to talk about it in the middle of the hallway. I grabbed his hand and ran out the front doors. We got to a tree. I stopped to catch my breath. Jake just stood there, not even breaking a sweat. I stood up straight and talked away.     


"Slow down and take a breath." I stopped and took a breath.

"I think there's  a boy watching me and I don't know what to do about it. Please help me." Jake pulled me close to him. He pushed my head into his shirt.

"Don't worry I'll protect you! What does he look like?"

"I-I don't know. All I saw was his figure." He looked around.

"I don't see anybody." He didn't have to see him. It might only be me. I saw Sara and Amy walking out of the school. They saw us and stared walking towards us.

"Don't say a word about this or you will regret all your life decisions." I said through my teeth. He started sweating and nodded.    

     "Hey guys. What are you up to?" Sara asked.

"Oh nothing." As I giggled.

"Sure. Alright let's go." Amy said. We walked back to the hotel. Everyone walked in expected me. Jake asked me if I was going to be ok. I nodded. I sat on the front benches. I took a deep breath and relaxed.

Knowing that this hotel has been here for years and still looked good. Thinking about why would they build a hotel for Americans. They built one for the people who live in America. My stomach twisted into circles. It's that horrible feeling again. I looked around again. I saw him. I stared long and hard. He didn't go away. It looked like he took a step forward. The feeling, was like a punch to the stomach. He kept taking steps. The pain got worse. I pull my phone out and texted Jake to get his ass out here.

A few seconds later I hear footsteps. They were coming quickly. I guessed they were Jake's.

"See, over there." I pointed across an empty street.

"What do you mean? There's no one there." The voice I heard wasn't Jake's. I turned around. It was Sara! I pulled my phone out to see that I texted Sara. I must of been I such a rush, that didn't know who I was texting.

I looked back at Sara with big eyes.

"Are you ok?" Of course I'm ok I just called you down here so you can see me point across the street to see nothing. Yeah I'm fine.

"I told her everything. She just looked at me with a confused look.

"Sophie there's no one there." I looked back across the street. He was still there.

"Do you not see him, he's still there."

"Your just imaging things sweetie." She said in a voice like she was talking to a baby. She looked back across the street.

"You're delusional." She turned around and left. He was still there. Maybe if I took a picture they might see him.

I took the picture and... my flash was on. After the bright light went off he started running to me. I freaked out and ran. All of the middled grade students where on the fourth floor. I kept running and running. I looked at the picture. It was perfect. I turned my head over my shoulder. He was still chaseing me. I made it to the fourth floor, finally.

I banged on Jake's and Michael's door like a crazy person. I looked down the hall. He was still running. Jake opened the door. I was more like leaning on the door so when he opened it I fell in. I didn't react to myself falling.

"Close the door and lock it!" He did as i said. 

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