Chapter 1

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Rosefall brushed the dirt off her pelt and looked at the three toms. They were still sleeping. Her stomach growled. They would need food if they were going to survive out here without anyone else with them. They still had to find a spot to put a clan and find more cats to put into the clan. It was going to be hard work, but she knew they could do it together.

Rosefall stalked out of the small den they had made and looked around. She opened her mouth to scent the air, but she couldn't smell anything fresh very close. She didn't want to leave the toms and let them wake up alone, but she was going to have to.

"I'll be back." She mumbled to herself and headed out into the forest. They could follow her if she didn't make it back before they woke up anyways.

It had only been a moon since they left their clans. They were making it on their own so far, but they still had some distance to travel. They wanted to get further from the warring clans. They wanted to get as far away as they possibly could.

Rosefall only figured about another two moons of travel before they settled down. it would be far enough away from every clan, and they could still be close to find new cats that have left their lives to find out a place where blood did not mean family.

She thought back to the three toms she had made this journey with. They were her brothers in her own mind, and she knew they looked after her like a sister. They were not blood related, but yet treated each other like family. She wanted to show others that you can get away from your harsh circumstances and find a family that will always love you and help you out. She wanted to show that blood family could be harsh at times, but friends are always there for you.

She shook her pelt out and looked around trying to find food. She could smell water, but that was to be expected since they were following the river south of the old clans. She could maybe find some fish, but she didn't want to get too close to the river. She already had a bad habit of falling into rivers and she couldn't swim the best.

She decided that it couldn't hurt to try and get a few fish either way. she headed over toward the river and stared into the water. She was taught to fish, but she had never caught anything. She just took a deep breath and watched as a fish swam closer to her. She leaned forward to swat at it, but leaned too far forward and lost her balance. She fell into the water getting swept with the current.

the thick furred shecat tried to swim toward the top, but the water pulled her down with how heavy it made her pelt. She just barely got her muzzle above the water long enough to cry out for help before she was submerged once again. 

This is how my life is going to end. Being careless and falling into the river. She thought as her vision started to go black.

Just before the last part of her vision went black, she heard a splash and then teeth pulling into her scruff She was lifted above the water and was able to breath yet again. She coughed up a bit of water and opened her muzzle to thank Midsun and Smudgeleaf, but neither of them where there. Instead, a tom with a coat of ginger fur now pressed against his thin body from the water stood looking at her.

"You know, you should be more careful where you step." The tom smirked and sat down in front of her. She scrambled up and glared at him.

He had bright green eyes, and a white spot around his left eye. Along his legs were spots of black going down to his right front paw being completely black. His tail curled around his paws and the tip of it was white with a circle of white fur under it, but separated by a ring of ginger fur.

She shook her head trying to figure out what was happening. She sat up quickly trying to look more professional. She glared at him but didn't let him out of her sight.

"Thank you for saving me," Rosefall paused as if she was expecting him to fill in the name.

He looked at her and blinked his eyes with a small smirk on his face. "Ringer is my name." He added in for me.

"Thank you for saving me Ringer, but I will be making my way back to my home." She said getting up slowly. She felt heavier with all the water in her pelt. The tom looked at her expectedly.

"How about I make sure you don't get fall into anymore rivers?" He suggested even though he seemed like he was saying that he was coming either way.

"Fine, come along then." She said flicking her ear without a care at the moment.

She headed through the forest trying to find her way back to their small set up. She looked back and found the tom following her really closely. She wondered if she could convince the toms that he could be a member of their clan they wanted to start. They still didn't have a name for their clan.

They would still have a while to go through this forest. She looked back to their mountains that they used to live in and sighed. She hoped her sister would be okay. Be safe Mothpaw. She thought to herself and saw the clearing of their small home for the small time being. Before she even got a step into the clearing, she was caught off surprise by a blur of brown fur tackling her out and into the forest.

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