Chapter 4

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The solid black tom did not see any point in sending out three cats to hunt for five cats, so he decided to wander around the territory that we would be calling home for a short time. He already knew that Rosefall would not want to live here long. There were contraptions here that none of us understood. So naturally, he headed in the direction of the large wooden dens. As he got closer, he noticed a few cats either behind the glass, or that hid behind the corners as they stared at him. They all had one thing in common, a nice little collar around their throat.

Smudgeleaf flicked his tail knowing that he had their attention. He looked around trying to figure out where he could gather a small group of them, but then he saw that thing. It was large, and it had very little fur. He let out a small hiss as he noticed it walking to him on only two of its legs. He scurried off the other way rather quickly and ran into a ginger female. She landed on the ground with a soft thud, but as he saw that thing was no longer chasing me, he tried to help her up.

"I did not mean that." Smudgeleaf quickly apologized. The words felt foreign to him as he never apologized for anything. He guess that Rosefall had definitely rubbed off on him. He knew that that shecat would be good for all of them.

The ginger shecat got up and shook her pelt. He noticed the collar on her neck, but he noticed the claw marks and the strings that hung off of it. "It is okay. Is the no-fur still chasing you?" She asked him as she peered around his muscular body.

As Smudgeleaf looked at her more, she could not be much older than him, if she was older at all. She could have easily been younger than him. "No, it stopped. Is that what you call those things?" He asked her still trying to calm down. He had never met anything like that. They did not have any of those back in VolcanoClan.

The shecat nodded. "I have been trying to escape them for a while, but this stupid thing is stopping me. I know other cats like me, but none of us can get them off." She seemed upset by the collar around her throat. Her eyes widened as she looked at him. "You don't have one! You must be able to get ours off. Come with me." She said as she headed off in the direction he had been running when he bumped into her.

Smudgeleaf followed her as he zigzagged through the large wooden dens. He noticed a few cats trailing behind them. They could have just been curious about him, but he doubted it. They did not seem to be the most trusting cats, but if he could bring back some cats for Rosefall, she would be ecstatic. He knew that she would be wanting some fellow females soon anyways. So far they only had males.

The female finally stopped and called out for her friends. Smudgeleaf sat down behind her and curled his tail around his paws. He did not want to look like a threat to any of these cats that came over. He would need to see who he would be able to convince to go with them, but he might wait for Rosefall to meet everyone.

Soon Smudgeleaf noticed some cats that had slinked out of the shadows. He flicked my ears as they all came out. There looked like there was about five different cats. The ginger shecat then turned to him.

"These are my friends! My friends, this is-" The female stopped as she looked at him. Neither of them had introduced ourselves. "What is your name after all?" She asked sitting down in front of him.

"Smudgeleaf." The black pelted tom stated as he felt his pelt bristle. "What is your name anyways?" He huffed in a slightly aggressive tone. He didn't mean it, it was just natural for him.

The shecat seemed a bit offended, but then turned her attention back to the group of cats in front of her. "This is Smudgeleaf. I think he can help us get these collars off so that we can be free!" She said cheerfully.

The tom flicked his tail as he looked at everyone. A few of them seemed uneasy, and he could see two cats sitting rather close to each other like a mating pair would be. "I just offer one thing in replacement, my friends and I are trying to start a home for all cats that do not have one or want to be able to live where they want. I would love if you could all join, but I understand if not. I can bring our leader back tomorrow with me if any of you agree. We can figure out how to get those collars off of you." He slowly got up, trying not to scare anyone with his size. He turned his head to look at the ginger shecat he still didn't know the name of. "I can meet you down at the lake in the morning. You can bring any of your friends along that want to join or have their collars removed. I open the invitation up to any cat. We are going to make a home for every cat." He let out a slight purr as he turned away from all of them.

If those cats spread the word about the clan they wanted to start, they could have a nice group of cats. He just hoped that some of them would want to join. He always needed to see how flimsy those collars were. They couldn't be anything too tough, but he would explain to Rosefall what he did. He knew the fluffy shecat would understand.

"Hey Smudgeleaf, my name is Vivianne by the way. I'll be waiting for you in the morning." The ginger shecat called out to him.


Sorry this wasn't here yesterday, I kinda forgot what day it was

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