Chapter 11

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The dark brown tom rushed through the forest looking for any signs of his fluffy female companion. He was thankful that the russet tom had decided to join him in his search for their female leader. 

If Midsun had not been so panicked, the dark brown tom probably would not have worried about his female leader as much, but now that his friends were worried, it was starting to get to him as well. Rosefall had guided them out this far, and she had made sure that they didn't get into fights. She protected them, and her dreams had showed them where to go. Without her, they wouldn't be able to pull this off. She was the heart of their group. 

Coconutsplash called out for his fearless leader, hoping that she would answer to him out of all of the others. They had a connection, one where she knew all of his secrets. She knew of his difference of love, and she even knew who he cared for the most. If she wanted to hide from the others, he hoped that she would open up to her at least. 

He called out for her once again, then looked at his russet furred companion. Even the tom that he liked couldn't help calm his nerves. Rosefall really wouldn't hear him, and he got even more worried that she had vanished. The smaller tom found it hard to breath, as it there was an invisible force pressing down on his chest. 

He choked out something, which made the russet furred tom immediately come to his side. Coconutsplash could hardly hear his companion, and his breathing quickened, quick enough to be called hyperventilation. Cardinal bent down next to him, he could see the soft amber eyes through his panic. His breathing quickened even more, feeling the pressure on his chest only get heavier. 

Coconutsplash finally managed to open his mouth more than just to breath. "Help me..." He begged to the russet furred tom, his eyes filling with tears. He was terrified of what was happening to him, and he couldn't control it. 

Cardinal started to panic as well, but kept a cool head. He leaned down to the tom, putting his tail across his body, and staying close to him. "Just listen to me. Focus on my breathing." He whispered to Coconutsplash, not sure what else to do. He made sure that his breathing was normal, just to make sure that he didn't injure the tom.

Cardinal stared at the smaller tom, feeling bad for him. Even in his short time with the group, he had learned that they all depended on Rosefall. She had been the lifeline for all of them, and without her there, they were beginning to break. They relied on her so much, that if she ever truly left, the tom was scared to know what would happen to their group. 

The russet furred tom curled himself up around the smaller tom and closed his eyes. He rested his head against the tom's next, letting out a small purr to show that he was there for the other tom no matter what. He hoped that one day the smaller tom could learn to rely on someone else other than Rosefall. 

Coconutsplash felt the larger tom on him and felt a bit safer. There was still pressure on his chest, but it had weakened it's hold on him. The brown tom tried to focus on his breathing, trying to keep it in rhythm of the other male's purring. If he had not been so panicked about Rosefall, he would have been panicked about how close the other male was to him, about his purring, and how happy the tom felt near him. 

After a while, the tom managed to calm down, but still clung to the muscular tom for support. He wrapped his tail around the other male, trying his best to keep him there. Coconutsplash knew that he had to look for Rosefall, and that she could be in danger, but he wanted this moment to last a bit longer if he could. He wold do anything to keep this moment in his memories forever. 


A bit short, but oh well

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