Chapter 9

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Rosefall lead the ground of cats back to their small camp. She noticed that Smudgeleaf and Coconutsplash where in the back of the group, but she did not mind. She looked to Vivianne by her side and smiled to the female. Her clan was slowly coming together, but they would need more cats. She knew that it was good to start with a small number anyways. It would give them some room to grow, and they still had a long journey ahead of them. 

The fluffy female did not want to stay in the area with all the loud machines where her clan cats could get captured. They have have to journey for at least a moon or more until they got to place she wanted to be in. She had never seen these creatures that stood on two legs, and she did not want to. She would have been curious, if it had not been for the fact that Vivianne had already started to say some bad stuff about them. 

Rosefall listened to her new found friend. The female went on and on about how the creatures were abusive at times, and she felt bad for her new clan mates. She had decided to not give them clan names until they officially made a clan. She did not want to get the hopes of all the other cats up yet. She was worried that some of them would leave before they got to their destination, which she understood. 

As they entered the camp, she noticed that there was a nice pile of different rabbits and squirrels, while Cardinal and Midsun were working on some more dens. There already seemed to be one new one, but it looked a bit too small to fit all the new cats in it. 

"Thank you Midsun for doing all of this. We have some new cats with us at the moment." The female acting as the leader purred to her friend. She had a lot more cats to take care of now, and she could barely take care of herself, but she knew her friends would help out where they can. 

The black and orange tom gave a purr back to the female and looked at all the cats she had brought with her. He dipped his head to the others and introduced himself as Midsun. The others introduced themselves to hi as well, while Rosefall sat down with a nice squirrel. She had been hungry, but she wanted to pay attention to all of her new friends. Her stomach growled loudly, so she had no choice but to tune them out for the time being. 

Her ears flicked as her gaze went across the small camp. She did not see Ringer. She wondered where the male was, but did not want to go off and find him. She assumed that he would be back later that night most likely with more prey for everyone to eat. 

As she looked at everyone socializing, she noticed Cardinal and Coconutsplash talking to themselves. She gave them a small purr as she watched the others. She was happy for her best friend to have someone to talk to, but she had noticed the brown tom looking back to Smudgeleaf every once in a while. 

"Rosefall, what are you doing over here and not talking with the others?" She heard a voice behind her. She looked up and noticed Ringer standing next to her, a rabbit now by her side. She smiled and sat up, looking up to the male. 

The female flicked her tail to the side, not sure why she was not socializing. "Just didn't feel like it yet." She purred trying to give a reason. 


Sorry it is rather short, I am not feeling it

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