Chapter 5

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Rosefall had dug out a rather large den with the help of Midsun. They both stood back and looked at their work as they heard someone coming back. The fluffy female turned to the noise and saw Coconutsplash walking forward with a large furry lump in his mouth that he seemed to be dragging at this point. There was another cat behind him that made Midsun get a bit worried. 

The slick furred brown tom dropped the large thing that had been in his mouth. "This is Cardinal. He wants a new home. I told him that we would let him in." Coconutsplash told Rosefall in his regular shy voice. Cardinal towered over the smaller male, but Rosefall saw the scars that the tom had. 

The fluffy female that had become the leader of the group bowed her head to the tom and looked back up to him. He was larger than her, but she did not seem to care. "I am Rosefall. This will always be a home for you if you wish to call it that for yourself." She purred as she looked at the large lump of fur that Coconutsplash had brought with him. "I assume this is the prey that you found. What is it?" She sniffed the dead lump of brown fur. It did seem to have a good bit of meat on it. 

Cardinal leaned down to the female leader. "It is a beaver. They are known to block the water. They can be rather vicious as well. I am surprised that you were able to kill one without getting hurt." He said before backing away feeling a bit awkward being so close to everyone's faces. "They are rather delicious if you can get them." He continued before looking around. 

Rosefall gave a small nod to the tom. "Thank you for the information. Are there any good pieces of prey around here? We are expected to stay here for around a moon. We will move again when leaffall begins. We need to find a territory for a home that will be far enough away from any enemies." She purred and looked out to the lake. 

Soon, the other two toms that had been out came back to the camp. Smudgeleaf informed Rosefall on what he had discovered, while Ringer set down some of the prey that he got. he had nothing impressive, just some rabbits. Rosefall looked around and excused herself for the time being. 

The female headed to the cliff and looked out to the water. She turned and looked behind her, but she could no longer so the mountain range that used to be her home. She was used to looking to it every night and hoping that Mothpaw was doing alright now that she did not have a mousebrained sister like Rosefall had been. 

Rosefall laid down and put her head on her paws. She had began to lead her clan, but how would she be able to lead if she was weak? She had too many weaknesses. She started to doubt herself being leader. How would she even get her nine lives? She had been told that only the leaders got them in special ways and in special places. Would her new home have that? Would StarClan even listen to her anymore? 

Rosefall closed her eyes. She had too many nerves to me a leader. She let out a small sob knowing that she would not be able to lead these cats, nor did she know how a clan should run. It was nice when they had a dream, but now that it was becoming reality, it scared her deeply. She did not truly know if she would be able to do it. She was young, much younger than any leader should ever be. Was she too young?

She opened her eyes and looked out to the lake. If they made a clan, she would not be able to continue to travel and see the sights. She could deal with that, but it felt like a part of her would be lost forever. She clawed into the dirt a bit distraught. 

The female laid there and cried for a bit before falling asleep where she laid. 

Her dreams came to her quickly, and she noticed a female standing next to her. Her pelt was all white, but it had the stars that wrapped around her. Her eyes were a nice amber looking color. 

"Who are you?" Rosefall asked the female. 

The white female did not say anything but started to walk and flicked her tail beckoning Rosefall to follow her. The fluffy female did as the other female expected her too and noticed other cats lining the path that they walked together. Each of them had a pelt that looked like the stars had blessed. 

Was she in StarClan?

Soon, the white female stopped in front of a pool of water. She sat next to it and stared down into the water. Rosefall saw nothing special with it, but as she looked down she saw herself, bu there was something different. She seemed older, stronger. She saw Smudgeleaf, Coconutsplash, and Midsun standing next to her, all of them older than they were now. 

The older Rosefall looked to have a crowd under her as she stood on a large trunk. Under her, stood a small kit. He had brown and black fur, but his eyes were wide as he looked at the area. 

Rosefall almost choked as she saw herself and her friends, but she began to sob as she saw the small kit hiding between her legs. This had been the future she wanted for her clan. She wanted her kits to take rule after her, but she had always thought of it as a mousebrained idea. No cat would ever like that idea. 

Rosefall turned to look at the white female, but she had vanished. Rosefall choked out a thank you as she turned her gaze back to the older version of her and the kit. 

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