Chapter Thirteen

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Everyone walked out of the Throne Room and into the courtyard, where Hestia had already done up a table and Kitchen setup.

Percy and his family sat down, when JJ noticed Grace wasn't with them.

"Where's Grace?" JJ asked.

"And Alex?" Jake, the Norse demigod asked. He also noticed Andy wasn't around. JJ's eyes widened before he stormed back into the Throne Room to hear.

"He's telling the truth." they both had jumped when his girlfriend spoke. "He was under a spell from my idiot sister." Grace's eyes widened as she looked back to Alex. JJ turned his eyes to Andy, who nodded once to let him know she was telling the truth, before he walked up to his sister.

"You alright?" he said, putting a hand on her shoulder. She nodded.

"Yeah. You guys go ahead. We'll be there shortly." Grace told him.

"You sure?" Grace nodded. "Alright. Come on, Andy." the two walked out.

"Where's your sister?" Reyna asked.

"And that boy." Percy hissed. That boy had apparently hurt his daughter.

"Relax, it was all a misunderstanding apparently. A spell from Freya." this caused Percy to groan as he sat back down. Everyone started eating, but soon stopped again as Alex and Grace walkd out hand in hand. They both sat down with Grace's family.


"Hmm?" she looked up. "Oh! It's alright, everything is sorted out. Plus when we get back, I  can have some fun with revenge." here Grace smirked and looked exactly like Reyna, which caused the Romans to shuddered. Percy nodded, though he kept an eye on the boy, who loved his daughter.


After eating everyone went back to the Throne Room to continue the story. "Who's next?" Cassie called, holding up the book. Jason raised his hand and the book was passed to him.

"Chapter 13: Helpful Nymphs" Jason Grace read.

Last Chapter....

Loki laughed loudly. "Venus," he spat out her name in disgust."

"How rude." Aphrodite huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn't really angry, just upset. How could anyone be prettier than her? The Norse all just rolled their eyes at the Greek love goddess, and were joined by Piper. Her mom was ridiculous sometimes.

"She has nothing on Freya. Your gods are like children compared to us in the power scale." 

Zeus narrowed his eyes, but said nothing. 

"He said proudly. "And don't even get me started on our demigods! But... like I was saying. I hope you got the big 'you hurt Asgard's Chosen One and you will pay, fuck you' message and come again soon!"

Loki snapped his fingers and Frank awoke with a jolt, sweat running down his forehead and a blood curling scream.

Next thing he knew, before he could recover full consciousness, Reyna had kicked down the door with all of her strength only to find a sweaty Frank laying on a bed, gasping for air.

"What the hell? You screamed bloody murder because you had a nightmare!"

Here everyone burst out laughing, expect Dionysus, who was asleep again; Ares, since it was happening to his Roman son; and Zeus, who just didn't wanna read about the Norse spawn since those gods had faded. He frowned though, did they? He glanced at the section of Norse demigods. He shook his head, of course they did.

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