Chapter Twenty-One

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"Well that's it who would like to read now?" Zoe said, closing the book after marking the page and held it up.

"I will." 

"Ch. 21"  Artemis read.

Last Chapter...

Charon held open his hand, the two drachma's Percy had tossed in the river in it as he examined them for a second before he tucked them in his pocket.

"Very well demigods, step aboard, this will be your final journey."

Percy glanced at Reyna who didn't look enthused by the words of Charon. He held out his hand for her. After staring at it for a second, she grasped it tightly and they stepped aboard the ferry to enter the final, and likely fatal, leg of their impossible journey.


Charon paddled silently across the river. Neither Reyna nor Percy spoke. They held each other's hands tightly knowing whatever came next was likely to be their most difficult challenge yet, one that had a good chance of claiming their lives.

As they approached the other side of the river, the raft crashed softly into the banks before the ferryman turned to them.

"Final chance; I'll raft you back to the other side, no charge."

Percy shook his head, "Thanks but this is where we have to go. It's the only way we're ever escaping this place."

Charon shook his skeletal head, "Very well, it's your funerals." He extended his hand towards Percy before flipping a coin that Percy caught on instinct. He looked down to find one of the drachmas Hemera had given then before looking at the god questioningly.

"Half-price for rides that lead to certain death; you'll need that for passage after your death."

"Well that's-" Travis started.

"Very depressing of him." Connor finished. Thalia and Katie's eyes twitched in irritation at the Stolls. Annabeth snickered quietly at her friends agitation.

"I know right." Percy smirked, noticing the two girls irritation at the not-twins-who-look-like-twins. Travis and Connor smiled and nodded back at Percy, before Thalia shocked all three of them. Or at least she tried to with Percy.

"Hey! I thought I could shock you." Thalia protested.

"Only when I'm asleep or not paying attention." Percy smirked, before shocking her back, causing her to yelp.

"Hey." Thalia glared at Percy. Percy smirked before Reyna smacked Percy upside the head for her, causing Thalia to laugh. Meanwhile the gods were watching amused, expect Dionysus and Ares. The other Demigods were either laughing, chuckling or snickering based on their level of confidence. 

Artemis rolled her eyes before clearing her throat pointedly and continued to read. 

"Percy narrowed his eyes but didn't speak. Instead, he pulled Reyna by the hand as they stepped off the raft and into the very heart of Tartarus itself.

Charon and his raft shimmered a few times before blinking out of existence as they were once again truly alone. Ahead of them was a small field filled with fiery chasms and jagged rocks jutting out haphazardly in all directions. It looked like a minefield after the majority of the mines had gone off. At the end of the field was something that made both their stomachs drop; 100 feet of vertical cliff stood looking down at them menacingly, challenging them to even try and escape.

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