Chapter Twenty-Five

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The Throne room burst into laughter at the words, while Thalia flushed embarrassed.

"Well, I didn't know she was your girlfriend, did I?"

"No, I don't suppose you would've." Percy chuckled.

"Who wants to read next?" Poseidon asked.

"I will." The book was pasted to Percy's Mother and the story continued.

"Chapter 25: Reunited"  Eir read.

Ch. 25

Last Chapter...

Reyna had no choice but to retreat with the Greeks as they scrambled to the end of the bridge. The bridge continued to crumble before finally stopping after the majority of it had fallen into the East River.

Reyna looked worried at the spot Percy had fallen into but was broken from those thoughts as a dozen gleaming bronze swords were leveled at her.

"Who are you?" A female holding a spear at her back hissed.

Reyna wasn't sure what to say.

Should she tell them about the Romans waiting inside the Park Plaza Hotel?

Before she had to think of a reasonable response, a new voice spoke, one that sent relief into her heart for more than just the weapons leaving her and being leveled at the speaker.

"Thalia Grace," a soaking wet Percy Jackson grinned. "I haven't seen you since Mount Othrys and the first thing you do is try to kill my girlfriend?"


Percy gazed down at the couple dozen swords or spears pointing menacingly at him from the ragged group of Greek demigods but his eyes were focused on only one of them. He stared into the electric blue eyes of the girl he had only met one other time and hoped that saving her life once would be enough to gain her trust.

Thalia's gaze was piercing as she looked at Percy. She hid her confusion as his words sunk in. After a moment though, they widened and she looked at him questioningly.


Percy's image shimmered for a second giving Thalia a look at the face she had met briefly a couple years earlier. Her eyes widened before the Greeks turned alarmed; they stepped closer, their weapons inching there way closer to his body.

"Stop! Stand down." Thalia said sternly without taking her eyes off him.

Her words clearly carried a lot of weight as the Greeks reluctantly stepped back and lowered their weapons while still keeping a watchful eye on this unknown demigod and his companion.

"Obviously she's, our leader." The Greeks cheered at Annabeth's words. Thalia, for her part, just smiled slightly. 

Percy and The Romans looked on curiously. Wondering just how much respect she got for herself or for being Zeus' kid. Kind of like Jason. 

Even Jason was curious, he knew how hard it was to earn the respect for yourself, instead of being the child of the King of Olympus.

The Norse knew about her respect from Percy and Reyna's stories. 

Eir smiled at the scene and continued to read. Knowing her son made the right choice in being friends with the daughter of Zeus.

"Why are you here Percy?" She asked with a small bit of hopefulness in her eyes.

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