Chapter Fourteen

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The next day everyone walked into the Throne Room refreshed and ready to read some more chapters.

"Whose reading next?" Annabeth said holding up the book, but everyone noticed that she was willing to if no one wanted to.

"I will," Jake Mason said, raising his hand. Annabeth gave a disappointed sigh as she handed over to the son of Hephaestus.   

"Chapter 14: When a Good Man Goes to War." Jake Mason read.

"That sounds like a great chapter title." Connor muttered. His brother Travis nodded in agreement, while Katie and Clarisse shook their heads at the two sons of Hermes.

Frank Zhang refused to open his eyes. Yesterday might have possibly been the worst day of his short and difficult life. He had taken the word of some unknown goddess whom he had never even heard of and then used that as his reasoning for trying to kill his best friend. The one guy who ignored his awkward and clumsy nature and accepted him for who he was; tried to help Frank improve himself when it came to his battlefield skills and confidence around the other legionnaires, and had undoubtedly been the closest thing to a real brother he was ever going to get." 

"Well, I guess that it's a good thing we mended fences." Percy answered, causing Frank to smile and nodded in agreement. 

"Then, in a foolish attempt to protect a place he didn't even really like before 'Jack' got there, he put a poisoned arrow through Percy's back when he was risking his life to protect him and Reyna. Now he had screwed everything up. Reyna was itching to have him drawn and quartered for his moronic actions and as if having her out for his head weren't enough, his former best friend was having trouble restraining himself from killing Frank too.

Frank clenched his eyes a little tighter in the impossible notion that if he tried hard enough, he could make everything that happened the day before disappear and he could go back to having his best friend not wanting to run him through first chance he got.

That was when he felt the sharp point of a sword press firmly against his chest."

"Sorry not sorry." Percy said.

"Eh, we had mended fences its cool." Frank responded. Many of Gods stared at the two in awe, they saw the bond the two had after everything that had happened between the two. 

The Norse demigods and Percy's children smile at his forgiveness. 

"Get up, we need to have a chat." Percy said coldly.

He slowly opened his eyes to see a dark expression plastered on the face of 'Jack Vidar', er, Percy Jackson. Frank opened his mouth to respond when he felt the tip of the blade dig a little deeper against his shirt.

"Actually I will talk. You will listen. At the end, you will nod your head if you understand. If you don't, well, you should make sure you understand."

Frank nervously nodded his head.

"When we return to camp, you will follow the story Reyna and I tell the others to a T. I am only in Camp Jupiter because it is the best strategic place for me to be when Hel reveals herself as an ally of the Titans. You aren't going to mention anything that happened on this quest; not that I'm not Roman, not that we never actually made it to Mount Othrys, not that you cowardly tried to kill me with an arrow to the back or anything else that happened outside of what Reyna and I tell the Senate. After that, you will stay away from me. I thought you were a friend, someone I could trust but you're just a foolish boy who thought he could be a hero by literally trying to stab me in the back. Do we have an understanding?"

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