Chapter 2 - Weeg

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I'm Weeg, Luigi's son. I like my name because it's a short version of dad's name, and he's famous. He and his brother Mario, are the famous video game duo, and one day me and Mario Jr. will be. I'm Mario Jr.'s cousin by the way.

Camp Nintendo sounds fun, but my only worry is that there will be scary or dangerous things there, but hopefully the counselor, Rosalina, will help me. I'm pretty excited to be going to the same place where my dad learned to be a Nintendo All-Star. He said that eventually, I'll get to be the one jumping on Goombas and beating up Bowser. I can't wait.

When I first heard of Camp Nintendo, I was skeptical, so my dad called Rosalina to make sure that nothing dangerous would happen there. He had a whole list of things that could hurt me and Rosalina said that everything would be fine. So after that we did about 3 hours worth of research, and now I'm ready for Camp Nintendo.

When I got to Camp Nintendo, I could already feel the awesomeness booming from around me. As soon as my dad checked me in, I ran into the camp and tripped. Yep, 5 seconds in and I already got hurt. But that was my fault, so I kept going until I found my cabin. Mario Jr. was sitting there doing nothing. So we had a nice little talk, and then I went to sleep.

Hopefully my power nap will have me ready for what comes next.

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