Chapter 10 - Sam

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So, the past few days at Camp Nintendo have been pretty normal. We haven't done anything too exciting yet. I'm still waiting for an activity where we shoot stuff with laser guns. Kirb and I have been hanging out a lot lately and Weeg even joined in on the fun. But today's the 6th day at camp, and I'm just sitting in my cabin with Kirb, playing more Pokémon. He said that his favorite Pokémon is Jigglypuff because he's pink and puffy, like Kirb.

A little while later, Rosalina came on the loudspeaker, saying to report to our next activity, which was in the craft cabin. So Kirb and I went over, and found Weeg on the way. All three of us got to the craft cabin and sat down. Then Rosalina told us that we could make anything from a video game with the supplies we had. So Kirb, Weeg, and I made a picture of the Mario world, the Kirby world, and the Metroid world together. When we were done, we brought it up to Rosalina. She really liked it. She said that it was creative.

After our activity, Weeg went back to his cabin to talk to Mario Jr., and me and Kirb headed back to our cabin. He said that he had something for me. So I closed my eyes and Kirb put something in my hands. I opened my eyes and looked at it. It was a Metroid themed Gameboy. It was awesome. It had me on the back of it too. So I transferred my Pokémon game to my new Gameboy, and Kirb and I played it for the rest of the night.

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