Chapter 14 - Bink

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That letter was weird. It just appeared on our door when we got back from training. It said to come to the forest at 10:00. I wanted to find out what was going on, so I said that we should go. But it's only early in the day. The tenth day. We've been here longer than I thought. Anyways, I went to eat breakfast with Mac, and them we headed over to our activity. It was about Power Ups. I don't know many games with Power Ups. Mainly Mario and Kirby. But the activity was surprisingly fun. We got to test tons of Power Ups and there were some really cool ones.

Later in the day, Tiny Mac and I talked about that letter. He asked me who I thought it was, but I had no idea. I guess it could've been War and Wal, But I didn't think so. About 5 hours later, it was 10:00. Me and Mac went to the forest and looked around. We just saw trees. Tons of trees. I wondered when the person was going to show up. Then I heard something. Mac heard it too. I was kind of scared, because there were only two of us, and we were in the middle of the forest. we heard it again. But this time someone appeared. He was big and powerful looking, while still a kid. I recognized him though. Ganondorf. He must be this kid's dad. We were in trouble, because Ganondorf is super strong, and I bet his son is too. So Me and Tiny Mac ran, screaming all the way. Ganondorf's son followed us back to camp, where nobody was awake. Or that's what we thought until someone rushed out.

It was Mario Jr. He stepped in front of us and asked kid Ganondorf what he was doing. He said his name was Gano, and that he was here to destroy Camp Nintendo. Mario Jr. said he wasn't going to let that happen, and then the showdown began. Mario Jr. jumped at Gano at slugged him in the face. I was surprised how strong that kid is, being able to damage a powerhouse like Gano. But it wasn't long until Gano came back and attacked. But somehow Mario Jr. dodged it perfectly. Tiny Mac was just standing there, not believing his eyes, and I can't blame him. I couldn't believe it either.

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