My ghostly lover❤part 4

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(HIStory era)

Belle: See i told ya there be a part 4!😁

Micheal: ok we know author-chan did a part 4 now can we start the story already?😋

Belle: Micheal dont be like that. He is just impatient.😂

Micheal: whatever.😑

Belle: Fine lets start the storyyyy!!!!😄😄😄
...Belle's pov...
Its been a week since what happened and its been sooo freee here without anyone telling me what to do. Me and Micheal are getting closer and closer. I met his whole family while i was here and they are sooo nice. But i never met his parents i dont know why. One of the ghost was his sister Janet and she told me we were best friends when she was alive. I didnt remember who she was but i just said i did remember her. Anyway today Micheal wanted me to show me something. He said also to get pretty for tonight. I was in my room picking out a dress when Micheal came in."Hey Bells." He said putting his hand behind his neck rubbing it."Hi micheal." He came closer."Ummm. I wanted to tell you something." I stopped what i was doing."Yah?" He sighed."Ummm my parents want to meet you." My heart stopped."Now?!?" He nodded."Ummm sure." He went out the door and brought in his parents."Belle this is my dad Joseph and my mom Katherine. Mother,Father this is Belle." "Oh my god you are so beautiful!" Micheals mom came up to me and hugged me tight."Damn boy you got a keeper." Micheals dad punched Micheals arm."Yah i do ow." I giggled."Its nice to meet you Mr.and Mrs. Jackson." "Honey just call me Mother Katherine." I nodded."And just call me Joe." I nodded again."I still cant believe you guys are getting married!" She said covering her mouth afterwards."MOM!" Micheal yelled putting a hand on his face."Im sorry son." "What?" Micheal sighed."Belle i was going to ask you Tonight but i guess we have to do it now." He got on one knee and looked at my eyes."Belle i love you with all my heart. I would do anything for you and i want to take it to another level. Would you do me the favor and become my wife?" I was shocked."Ummm." I looked at his parents. His mom was crying and his dad was smiling. I looked back at Micheal and saw how nervous he was. "Micheal you are a great guy and i would love to marry you.... Someday." He got up."What?" "I just think its going way to fast Micheal can we take it slow." He looked at me with anger and sadness in his eyes."Im sor- save it." He interrupted me in a rude way. He went out the room not looking back."Listen belle just give him sometime then you can talk to him." " I am sorry but we did meet like 2 weeks ago." She nodded."Just give him some time." I nodded. They both waved and disappeared. I just started cry. I couldnt be away from Micheal. He makes me so complete but now i feel so alone. I kept crying until i fell asleep.
...the next day...
I woke up and went to the bathroom. Everyday Micheal would come up the my bedroom and bring Breakfast but he didnt today. I know why. I looked in the mirror and saw i was a big mess. I got ready and went to the kitchen. Then i saw Micheal in there. I wanted to turn around and go the other way but i just want him to hug me. I sighed and went in. He had his back turned and was cooking something. I went behind him and hug him."Im sorry. Im truly sorry. Dont be mad at me. I miss you." He didnt say anything."Please talk to me." He stopped what he was doing."What is there to say. You embarrassed me in front of my parents and said no to me. What do i do say everything is alright when its not." I started to cry again."D-dont l-leave me. I need you." He sighed. Then he turned to me."Why would i leave you. I promised i wont. You know this." I looked at my feet."Please just kiss me." He was quite for sec and came up to me. He put a hand under my chin and made me look at his eyes. Then we kissed. It was long and love filled. Then we separated."Im sorry i... No im sorry i overreacted. I did it to early." I smiled."I love you tho."  I chuckled."I love you too." "And dont worry i promise i get to know you better before any important decisions." I nodded."Ok. I can live with that." He laughed."Can you make me breakfast im starving." He chuckled."Anything for my queen." I blushed. I just love my ghostly king.💗

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