Your loving Prince💗👑

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(Bad era)

Once upon a time there lived a King and Queen who ruled a town known as Avalon Valley. The King was a fair leader to the public and everyone loved the king. The queen was a nice leader and gave the villagers many gifts and everyone loved her too. They had a wonderful life but the queen felt like she was missing something. Everytime she would go down to the village she will see mothers holding there baby boys or girls playing with them, feeding them, loving them. Then it came to the queens mind one day. 'Why dont i have my own child maybe thats whats im missing in my life!' That night queen asked the king if they could have a child. At first the king was unsure but when he thought more about it he had agreed. After a month they found out the queen was pregnant. The king was filled with joy and the queen was so happy that she started to do the babys room for when it arrives. After the nine months of picking out baby names and guessing what the baby would look like the baby finally came. And it was a baby... Boy! They king was happy that it was a boy. And the queen was happy that she actually as a child of there own."I think i would call him Michael after my father." The king nodded and looked at his son. The baby smiled at the name."Yah Michael is prefect for him."
27 years later...
...Micheals pov...
"Master Micheal its time to wake up you have a busy schedule today." I open my eyes to see a bright light in front of me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes."What is my schedule John?" "Well this morning your mother wants you to meet her in the courtyard to speak with her then after that you have to go down to the village and talk to the villagers about taxes then at noon you have some kings from other countries coming over here to discuss some business and that is your schedule your majesty." He poured me my coffee and sat it down in front of me."Do you know why my mother want me john?" "No sir but she did say get ready fast you know how impatient she gets." I nodded and chuckled."I know." "So you better get ready. You have 12 minutes." I got up from the bed. John went out the room quickly. Probably to prepare breakfast. I wonder what my mom wants me for?
...Meanwhile in the Village...
...Your pov...
"[Y/N]! Wake up you'll be late for your new job!" I woke up rubbing my eyes looking around the room. I sighed. I got out of bed and started to get ready. Yesterday i got accepted for a maids job in the palace. They needed a new one because the old one got fired because she was trying to seduce the Prince. I gpt ready as fast as i can and went downstairs to eat breakfast. Thts when i saw my dad start making his bread for today. My dad is the best baker in town and also the best cook in tge world. I sat down at the table and saw a plate filled with different types of delicious food."Hey dad." I said digging in."Hey jellybean! So you excited for today?" I shrugged."Its just a maids job dad." "Yah but maybe this will be a new start i mean since..." "Dad i know." I stared at my dad trying no to think about it. My mom died a year ago because she was sick. I used to have a good paying job until she died thats when i went down hill. And now im a maid... Thats about to be late on the first day! I ate quickly and gathered my stuff."Bye dad wish me luck!" I ran out the door and ran to the palace. Good thing my house is only a block away.
...Meanwhile in the palace...
...Micheals pov...
I had just finished my breakfast and now im going to see my mother. As i walk out the palace and walk towards the courtyard i can see my mother waving at me telling me to come over there. I went up to her and sat next to her."So mom what you wanted to talk about?" She sighed."Listen Michael i know its been 2 years since your fathers passing and its already been a year since you been king but you will need to find a wife that you can rule this kingdom with." I sighed."Why cant i just do this alone i mean im all ready a good leader am i?" "Of course you are its just that its the policy to get a wife before your second year being king." I rolled my eyes. "Fine. But all the woman i met only want my money and only want sex." "I know you will find the girl of your dreams Micheal. You are just not looking hard enough. Tomorrow i argued some princess you can met and see which one is your bride." "Ok mother." I got up and started to leave."Oh and Michael." I turned around."Please make the right decision. Please." I smiled."Will do." I went inside the palace once more and just went to my library. Thats my quiet place to think. I know i have to go down to the village but i just want to relax for a moment. I went inside and just sat down to think about everything. How do i find the girl of my dreams in only 6 months?
[A/N]:Hey everyone sorry for the late update. But this Imagine is going to be a long one so get ready.😋😄😍😂 As always vote and comment. Love you guys!!!!!!

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