Chapter 2

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         I finish off the week watching Christian like some king and of weird science experiment and questioning my sanity. I've heard of these love at first sight stories in books and on TV but does it really happen in reality? I mean, I don't know if he likes me and worst of all I don't even know if I like him. But on the bright side,it's Saturday and my brain can finally take a well earned break from school. Even though Saturdays are supposed to be free days( and in my case, a day to catch up on sleep), my mom always makes me get up and do productive things like cleaning, and because I don't feel like hearing her mouth, I beat her to the punch and tell myself to get up. I sit up, grab the thick , plain comforter and swiftly thrust it off of me, and feel the cool air hit my half exposed body. I stumble to my messy dresser and grab my favorite fuzzy blue and white shorts. I quickly slide them on and look around, still half asleep. Right on time, my mom walks in ,engulfed in a gigantic pink polka -dotted robe wiping crust from her eyes. She quietly murmurs 'good morning' and smiles a little, proud because I woke up on my own. Her hair is standing up on her head as she looks me up and down. I say a muffled 'good morning' as she waves and walks to her room to get ready for work. After about ten minutes of staring at a spot on my wall, I get up, grab my towel, and walk into the bathroom.


I lay down my stuff on the shiny floor, start the water, and the hot steam fills the tiny room. I strip down my clothes and hop into the tub. I breath deeply as the hot water beats against my bare back and allow the water to go in my face, hair, and down my neck. I only get out as the water goes cold an wrap myself like a burrito in my big, warm towel. I try not to fall and break my face as I walk to the sink. I stare at my bare body in the mirror and ask myself questions that I probably won't ever get the answer to like, "Why does Christian waste his time on an average girl like me?" and "Why do I look the way I do, with big brown eyes and jet black hair?". I finish questioning myself and walk to my closet, drying off the rest of my body. I look through my clothes and decide on a black t-shirt with blue stripes going down the sides with matching leggings and my black and white Nike running shoes. I quickly slide on the cute outfit and go back to the bathroom, brush my teeth, and style my hair. I hastily grab my blue crossbody bag, stuffed with my Ipod, lip gloss, and other stuff that I never use. After a couple of minutes, I feel good enough to go and walk out the front door.


As I walk down the neatly paved sidewalk, I glanced at Chris's house out the corner of my eye. I wonder what he's doing today. I shrug my shoulders, relieved that he's not out today, these coincidences are driving me crazy. I jump as I hear his front door click and run like Usain Bolt before he can see me. I run until I'm out of breath and far enough away from his house. I decide to stop by the park because I have nothing more to do and if I go home too early my Mom will kill me. After what feels like hours( actually 15 minutes), I make it to the neatly groomed packed park. I look for the perfect spot and decide on a big tree decorated with vibrant oranges. I smell sweet citrus as I sit down and rest my head on the rough bark. I put in my earphones and turn the volume up so loud that I can't feel myself think. I close my eyes and breathe deeply, smiling a little as the sweet smell of oranges fill my head like laughing gas. I relax and really feel the music until I feel eyes on me. My heart races and my cheeks feel hot as I look up, putting my hands up to my forehead, blocking the sun from my face. I blink a couple of times and refocus my eyes and realize that Christian is standing in front of me, waving with a gigantic, white smile on his face. I sit up and take my earphones out of my ears. "Hi.", I say with a big smile."Hi", he says, " What are you doing here?" I shake my head," I just came here to relax and waste some time til lunch. I'm going to my favorite cafe.", I reply. "Wow, my dad forced us to come here because he saw it on a website that said it was a 'relaxing oasis for the entire family.", he says in a 'gameshow host ' voice. We laugh until we hear a loud bark. I jump and he turns around just as a shaggy white dog jumps on him. I quickly stand up and move out the way as he falls on the grass. I shriek, wide eyed, and freeze out of shock." Are you o--okay?", I stammer. He smiles wildy and laughs," It's fine", he stands up and pets the dog,"This is Shaggy." I begin to relax and laugh embarrassedly, " Oh, wow. He scared the crap out of me!" I know look stupid and start to blush. "I'm such an idiot!", I say to myself. I think of anything else to do so i just stand there awkwardly. He dusts himself off and says, "I'm sorry if I scared you, he loves to play." I just stand there staring at him and the dog feeling so stupid. " It's cool." I say with a quiet laugh. I stand up. "Well", I look at my watch, 5:00," It's about time for me to get lunch so i'm going to go, but great seeing you here. " We exchanged our awkward 'goodbyes' and I left to go home to get my car.

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