Chapter 6

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Beep beep! I wake up up to the horrid sound of the stupid pink alarm clock dad brought me. "Uhhhhhh". I sit up and look around until I spot myself in my vanity mirror. My bed is a mess and my hair is wild. I literally look like the girl version of Tarzan. "Wake, up sleepy head!", My mother's rough voice fills my room.  "I can see she's not having the best day ever either.", I think to myself as I kick my covers off, scattering them as I walk into the bathroom. I could already tell this was going to be a bad day and I certainly wasn't looking forward to it.


     I sloppily got ready and barely made it out the door, as usual. I speed down the narrow roads on the way to school and nearly kick down the door. I push through the herd of teens and sigh heavily as I make my way to the uncomfortable chair that my crusty, old teacher nodded towards. I rock back and forth and slap my face as I fight to stay awake. My head feels heavily and I fight to keep my eyes open when I feel a tap gentle enough to send chills down my back. I jump a little too hard and turn around to face the person who tapped me. I laugh to myself as I see that it's Chris but as soon as it appears, my smile fades into a confused smirk. He sees my face and explains with hat golden smile," I changed my schedule cause my history teacher is a butt crack and if I don't bring up my grade, my parents will kill me." I nod and smile, " Thank God. Not that you were failing- but I'm just glad you're here with me." He laughs and we talk all through class.


  We change classes and the fun is over because, sadly, that was the only class I got to see Chris in till lunch. My day gets a little bit better as I see Jon, now that we are an official couple but I keep on going back to he to the thoughts I had in the shower that morning. A long time ago I was confused about Chris bit now I think my feelings should be clear. He is cute and a really good friend - but that's it. I am dating Jon, and happy about it. I don't like Chris. I blink hard as  keep telling myself this but can't seem to believe it. I shake the thought away and concentrate on opening my tiny locker and getting through my next class.


I cough as the dry, cold air fills my nostrils. After school I decided to run and clear my head. I was unsure about Chris before and now I have a boyfriend. I don't want to be that girl who cheats or uses the guy that she actually likes while dating a different guy she has no interest in. I like Jon - a lot. I don't want to screw it up but maybe it's for the best that me and Chris stay friends. Hoooooooonk! I jump back and breathe heavily through my mouth as a giant, rusty train rides past me. I have to catch my breathe before I continue towards my house, panting.


My stomach rumbles and my skin tingles as I walk through the front door, where the heat hits me like a slap in the face. "She's just walking through the door. Mmm hmm. Let me get her.", Mom says into the phone in and beckons me over, annoyed at my slowness. "Sorry. I'm tired.", I mouth to her before throwing my bag on the  couch and grabbing the phone. "Hello.", I say into the phone. My eyebrows drop and my voice goes dull as I realize that it's my dad. "Sooo, how you and your mom doing?" "Good.", I answer his dumb question with the answer he expects, plainly. He asked the same questions he asked every week and I end the call hurriedly, "I need to go and do something so, bye." "OK, honey. Bye. I love you.", I still cringe everytime he says that crap. "Yeah. Um, bye." Click. My mom and I exchange a look of annoyedness mixed with relief. "He is pathetic.", I spit, walking to my room texting Jon.


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