Chapter 12

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Chris and I walked into our class and sat down in our usual seats with humongous, goofy smiles on our face. I caught a couple of looks from the cranky teacher as I struggled to focus on the boring lesson. I just couldn't wrap my mind around the lesson after the past few days. I mean, who knew that we would be dating in he future? I was a firm believer in girls and boys being friends and here I am dating my closest one. I watched the clock as the class went by slowly and practically ran out the door when the bell rang, heading straight to the lunch room. After shoving my notebook in my bag I made it to the lunchroom towards my waving friends. Chris gave me a wide cheeky smile as I scooted next to him as I began to eat my lunch. I fought to hide my smile as I got butterflies by just sitting next to him. "What's going on between you two?", asked Angie with a smirk on her face, " Why are you being so quiet?" He gently grabs my hand and kisses me softly on the lips before we say in unity, "We're together."

     Chris walks me up his front steps slowly whispering loudly,"Come on, you've met them before and your Mom is not going to be home all weekend." "I know but I don't want to meet them again.", I whined as we got nearer to the door, "Come on, let's just go to my house. We can watch horror movies and eat junk food all day." "No, I promised them I'd be here and I don't think I'll be able to survive without you here." This makes me laugh and I let Chris lead me into the giant house and up the stairs. I take off my shoes, lay on the bed, and close my eyes until I hear Chris's stupid laugh from across the room. "What?" "It's just that this is he same thing that happened last time. It was like our first date." I got up and stood on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck talking through a kiss,"I'm glad you told me. "Me too.", he says before looking around. "Well", I look at my watch," It's about time for dinner. Let's go." I throw my Converse on and walk down the stairs with Chris trailing behind me.


"Mom. Dad. Taylor is going to be my guest for dinner.", Chris looks around the table addressing everyone, although he only mentioned his parents. "Um, hello Taylor. ", Chris's mom flashes me a forced and almost frightening smile before turning to Chris,"Can I talk to you for a second." Chris answers with a even worst fake smile without moving, "Sure, Mom." She blinks a little before walking out the door, into the hallway. He pulls out a chair, seats me, and then proceeds to the hallway to chat with his mom. I take out my phone to avoid a very awkward conversation with the rest of his family and text the details to Angie, who unlike me, was at an awesome party sipping an ice cold beer. " wat r u going to do?", she texts after a good 2 minutes. I text back,"I don't no.", before feeling a soft tap on my shoulder. I look up to see Crawford with the same guilty look he gave me last time I was at the Collin's house. "Um, can I talk to you?"


Chris's father eyed me as I slowly followed Crawford up the stairs and to his room. "Ummm.", he says quietly as he leans on his desk. "I never got to apologize for the other day....I shouldn't have acted that way when I answered he door." I nodded, shifting uneasily on the bed,"It's fine. I understand." I really didn't want anymore drama."No, there was no excuse for how I acted and its eating me up inside. I'm sorry." Crawford stands up and sits next to me on the bed. "Apology accepted.",I say with a friendly smile. He returns the smile and shakes my outstretched hand. "Okay." " Have you seen-?", Chris stops in his tracks as he sees Crawford and I sitting there. "Uhh, what are you guys doing?"

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